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Old 03-26-2009, 08:21 PM
Michaeldante Michaeldante is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 48
Default MIDI Questions On IMPORTING MIDI & Recording MIDI Pro Tools LE 7.4

Long time REASON user who wants to start utilizing Pro Tools more. I have several tracks from REASON I want to import into PT so I can use its virtual instruments. So I have couple questions and hopefully someone will be patient enough to help me get a better understanding. I am not a techie so at the risk of sounding like Forrest Gump keep it as layman as possible.

Q: What's the best way to get REASON tracks into a PT session?
*I've heard to save the REASON song as a MIDI file then import as it as MIDI into the session then create a MIDI, aux input, & instrument track. Afterwards I can then insert VI plugins into each instrument track and can now hear the new VI, is that the best & most efficient way?

Q. How do I record my MIDI tracks to an audio track?
*The easiest way would be to be able to import my tracks individually as audio from REASON since theyu go straight into audio tracks and can use elastic audio, but everyone says I can't then use a VI to change the instrument sound to something better so the other solution I hear is to click record on the aux track and record the MIDI track but never can figure that out if that is the best option since I can't get the hang of that and just hear silence and nothing seems to work.

I really appreciate any help on this.
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Old 03-26-2009, 08:45 PM
filosofem filosofem is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Questions On IMPORTING MIDI & Recording MIDI Pro Tools LE 7.4

Yep importing Audio from Reason defeats the purpose of using VI's in Pro Tools. Depending on your outcome you'd most likely want to conform the Pro Tools Session to the SMF (Standard MIDI File) which you'd use the MIDI Import Options - Destination New Track.

Here you have a few options, you could create AUX tracks for the amount of VI's you are to playback or you could use Instrument tracks which you'd insert VI's but you'd also need to copy and paste that data.

Bus Recording is simple, create an Audio track and select Bus 1 or Bus 1-2 if using a stereo track from the Input Selector. From the Output Audio Selector of an Instrument track or AUX assign Bus 1 or Bus 1-2. Enable Input Only Monitoring and Record Enable the Audio track, set your levels and fire away.

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Old 03-27-2009, 08:23 AM
Michaeldante Michaeldante is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Questions On IMPORTING MIDI & Recording MIDI Pro Tools LE 7.4

Man I have went through response after response and even a few online tuturials and that was the clearest and straight to the point response I've got. I went by your directions and able to get things going in less than 5 minutes! I think maybe its time you think about online tuturials since most people are like me and need it broke down without going high on the tech talk.

I have several more questions, mostly on the really very basic side including:

* basic recording
* quantize (as well as quantize to grid)
* grid
* nudge

so if you ever get another few minutes to help me out let me know.
Thanks again and keep rocking in 09.
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Old 03-27-2009, 06:42 PM
filosofem filosofem is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Questions On IMPORTING MIDI & Recording MIDI Pro Tools LE 7.4

I would hope you're making a start on that Reference Guide! If you don't understand something specifically the DUC is here to help.

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