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Old 07-24-2013, 07:41 PM
Featherstone Featherstone is offline
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Location: Salisbury NC
Posts: 13
Default MIDI Controller (Roland Juno D) not controlling Midi

I have set everything up properly (cables, Midi setup in Pro Tools 10, connected the device to my Pro 40 in Midi setup) and my Juno wont control instrument tracks by midi, or record the sounds from my juno on a midi track. I took my juno D and cables to my professor in our Pro Tools lab on campus just to troubleshoot it and make sure nothing was wrong with my keyboard or cables, and even connected it to the same Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 interface just to be sure I was connecting everything properly (which I was). I brought it back into my studio. set it up correctly and it isn't working again. The only thing different in my home studio than the pro Tools lab on campus is I have an Octopre MKII connected ADAT to my Pro 40 to enable more inputs. Only the Pro 40 has Midi connections, the Octopre does not, so I know that's not the issue. Please help if you can because I'm going coo coo over this issue and I have clients coming into to record and control an instrument track with my Juno D.
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Old 07-25-2013, 01:24 PM
musicman691 musicman691 is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Controller (Roland Juno D) not controlling Midi

If you're on a Mac (you didn't say what you're running) have you visited Audio/MIDI setup in OSX and set things up there? What exactly is your signal chain - is it computer/Saffire Pro 40/Octopre or is it computer/Octopre/Saffire Pro 40? If it's the latter because you're not using the firewire connection to your computer you're not getting the MIDI to come through. Use the first setup I suggested - connect the Saffire to the computer via the firewire cable and then connect the Octopre via ADAT to the Saffire.
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iMac dead & retired as of 11/4/17

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Old 07-25-2013, 06:38 PM
Featherstone Featherstone is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Controller (Roland Juno D) not controlling Midi

My iMac is connected firewire to the Pro 40 and then the Octopre is connected ADAT to the Pro 40. I have set up my devices properly in my OSX Audio Midi Setup as well.
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Old 07-25-2013, 06:59 PM
musicman691 musicman691 is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Controller (Roland Juno D) not controlling Midi

Some thing I just noticed in your first post about you saying you can't records sounds from the Juno on a PT MIDI track. I'm sure you know MIDI is NOT audio (has no sounds of it's own). To record the audio output of the Juno in PT you need to set up either an Aux track or an audio track with the input as the connections of the audio interface the Juno is connected to. If you're also using vi's in PT you're going to have to make an adjustment for MIDI latency in PT because of it feeding an external hardware synth. This way everything will line up on the timeline. Not sure how you do that. The manual should help.

So you've done the proper setup in OSX audio/MIDI setup - good. Set the input of the MIDI or instrument track you're using in PT to what would be the MIDI out of your keyboard. I don't know specifically about the Juno but some keyboards can output MIDI by regular 5 pin MIDI DIN connectors or by USB. Make sure the Juno is set to use traditional MIDI and not USB - you can't have both at the same time.
See profile for system details
iMac dead & retired as of 11/4/17

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