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Old 04-18-2012, 09:19 PM
chauchiheng chauchiheng is offline
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Default Setup Roland Juno G as external MIDI Controller in Protools

Dear Brothers

My gear :
Dell Inspiration Window 7 Home Computer
MBox Mini
Protools Version 8.05
Roland Juno G Synthesizser

My objective : Use Juno G as external MIDI Controller for Sound Input as MIDI instead of audio format in Protools and then export MIDI file from Protools for further edition. I understand Juno G can do the music production by itself without any DAW software. However I want to my Juno G to integrate with my Protools for total soluation.

Situation : Now my Juno G is connected via USB cable to my computer and the Juno G driver is installed and my computer is recognized my Juno G. Once I switched my Juno G into USB and MIDI mode, then my computer can see JUNO G but not in Protools

My question :
1) How can I set up my Protools to recognize my Juno G ? What is the procedure in Protools ?

2) How can I set up my Juno G in order to Protools that can see Juno G ?

I come from Hong Kong, please if you know how to do reply this Thread.

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Old 04-19-2012, 10:48 AM
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Default Re: Setup Roland Juno G as external MIDI Controller in Protools

Open Pro Tools. Create a stereo Instrument track and insert a VI plugin(I suggest MiniGrand for testing). Click on the red RECORD button on the midi track. Assuming the Juno is connected, Pro Tools defaults to receiving any/all midi data, so playing the keyboard should make the piano plugin make sound. If not, go to Setup>Midi>Midi Studio. Create an instrument(and name it Juno or whatever you like). The brand and model boxes are not important, but the input port is crucial. If you cannot select the midi input source as the Juno, that's the problem. With the proper driver installed for the Juno, Pro Tools should be able tyo select it in the Midi Studio setup page(likely called Juno(USB) or something to that effect. Good luck.
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

The better I drink, the more I mix

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Old 05-10-2012, 12:12 AM
chauchiheng chauchiheng is offline
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Default Re: Setup Roland Juno G as external MIDI Controller in Protools

Dear Brothers

Thanks for your advise, it is ok now I can use my Juno G as MIDI controller for recording in Protools.

I have a new question:
Since my Juno G is a synthesizer that includes so many sound module on it. I want to record and playback my MIDI track by using my synthesizer sound module instead of using Protools's instrument plug-in (because the sound is too fake). I open a MIDI track. The input sets my sythesizer (channel 1)and it is ok during my record by using my synthesizer sound module. However, I cannot playback with the sound module of my synthesizer. My output also sets my sythesizer in channel 1. My synthesizer is connected to my CPU via USB cable and the output of synthesizer is connected to monitor with audio cable. MIDI thru is ticked in Protools.

My question is:
1. Is it using different channel for input and output ?
2. What is the meaning of "Local Off" on synthesizer ? In this case, shall I set to ON or OFF?
3. Any further setting to be required in Protools ?

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Old 09-08-2014, 09:49 PM
dominico1982 dominico1982 is offline
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Default Re: Setup Roland Juno G as external MIDI Controller in Protools

i also have the same problem with the juno di. i wnat to record sounds from the juno in pro tools on midi track. can anyone help please i'm going crazy..
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Old 07-10-2016, 11:25 PM
austinejose1516 austinejose1516 is offline
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Default Re: Setup Roland Juno G as external MIDI Controller in Protools

Hello Everyone...
I am also fed up with the same issue.. i am using roland juno gi and windows 10 with protools 12HD.. i connected my key to computer via usb cabe..
here windows is detecting the midi signals from the keyboard but pt instr track doen't recieve any..
I think there is nothing to do with the protools because once i got it worked perfectly but then when i launched pt for second time the issue happens.

any ideas plzz help me anyone...

thanks in advance
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Old 07-11-2016, 10:38 AM
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albee1952 albee1952 is offline
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Default Re: Setup Roland Juno G as external MIDI Controller in Protools

You can set a midi or instrument track to send midi back to the Roland(as long as the paths are created in the Midi studio setup window). A warning though as this can sometimes cause double notes to be recorded on your midi/instrument track(the midi signal going back to the Roland triggers duplicate notes in the session). In all cases, to hear the sounds of the Roland, you need to feed audio(Roland outputs) into the session. Using a stereo instrument track allows you to record midi, AND hear the Roland on the same track(I bet there are some youtube videos showing this in action)
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

The better I drink, the more I mix

BTW, my name is Dave, but most people call me.........................Dave
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