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Old 04-14-2012, 09:01 AM
ghostarbeiter ghostarbeiter is offline
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Default 001 dead?

Hey all,

just dropped to ask most knowledgable bunch online ...
I've worked on Digi-s (002,003) professionally, but never had one home.

Now, a friend gave me a 001, which supposedly worked well. I picked an oldest machine I had, just in case - an 3GHz single Intel on 865 chipset, still DDR1 and all.
And machine won't boot with Digi card in it. I've changed pci slot - no difference. Tried it in more recent machines, same thing. When I get external unit connected, its power LED lights up, but can't get a system working at all - no sounds from mobo, no screen, nothing.

Am I dealing with a fried card?

I caught a few notions (gearslutz, I think) that 001 maybe asks for even older system - namely something to do with PCI slots, but that sounds ridicolous, since people here run 001's on pretty recent harware.

Not that anything depends on this, but wanted to try it ...

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Old 04-14-2012, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: 001 dead?

What OS is on the computer? You need to have XP, Pro Tools version 6.4 with cs6 and cs 9(assuming any SP updates on Windows). You might try installing 6.4 and the updaters first, then try installing the PCI card.
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

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Old 04-14-2012, 02:50 PM
ghostarbeiter ghostarbeiter is offline
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Default Re: 001 dead?

Thanks for the response, albee.
I'm aware that it needs to be PT 6.4 but I didn't check cs-es.

Yes, it is XP on that machine, SP2. But I don't see what it has to do with machine not booting ... I don't know if I was clear enough - BIOS won't load, I don't get anything on the screen. It seems to me like it's something very wrong with the card, when it stops the whole system. When I unplug it, all works fine. I've checked now, it is a Gigabyte motherboard, Intel 865 chipset, like I said, and an integrated graphics - maybe that makes the havoc? But, then again, I tried plugging 001 card in different systems, all with the same results.

But again, I've never installed any of the Digi's on any system, so I want to check if i'm maybe missing something.
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Old 04-15-2012, 09:38 AM
ghostarbeiter ghostarbeiter is offline
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Default Re: 001 dead?

Ok, got it going. Sort of.
I checked manual again and found something about problems with ethrnet cards - simply disabling onboard LAN got machine going ... It's an ITE controller here (in case anyone gets into same situation). Maybe some others would work together with 001.
I've decided to put standalone driver for a start - not sure how useful PT would be on this machine... anyways got me some testing fun for sometime.
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Old 04-17-2012, 07:06 AM
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Default Re: 001 dead?

Hope you get it working. My 001 is almost 10 years old and going strong. If there was any way in the world that I could use it instead of any of the 3rd party, m-audio or subsequent digi/avid devices, I would use it with gusto.

I'm still miffed that the 001 got hung out to dry but nothing to do about it.
I plan on keeping mine for a living room workstation.

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Old 04-17-2012, 09:53 AM
ghostarbeiter ghostarbeiter is offline
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Default Re: 001 dead?

Thanks for support graveleye.

I've already read on a number of places online how satisfied people were (are) with 001. I'm not lazy to get my hands dirty, if i can get it going ...

Had some other things going on these couple of days, so not musch progress on this. Except that I found another DDR1 module, in total 2gig for that machine. With Pentium4 3GHz, it actually should be pretty usable. I actually remember doing serious work on 1GHz machines back in the 2003-04. I still remember how many services you can kill in XP, and how lean can it be.

I got the system with 001 going on earlier. Now I have to put drivers on, and remove all the software I don't need, put audio software on... I am pretty convinced PT would run well on this. I 'll report my status when I make all that.

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Old 04-17-2012, 12:48 PM
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Default Re: 001 dead?

Good luck on it. The 001 is an awesome device. I have a multi-channel preamp running into mine via optical, and I get 10 preamped mic inputs, and if I wanted to I could add more via the 1/4" ins and then spdif as well.

If it weren't for the capabilities of the current PT versions, I wouldn't even consider changing what I have. Thing is a lot of new software won't run with mine, so I've been in the painful process of upgrading.

But as long as it works, I'm keeping the 001.

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