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Old 07-15-2003, 11:38 PM
CraigD CraigD is offline
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Default How can you use an external firewire drive and Digi002 with only 1 firewire port?

Does anyone have any suggestions about hooking up an external firewire hard drive and the Digi002 with only 1 firewire port on my G4 Powerbook? Last I heard you couldn't use the firewire out on the Digi002 to run an external firewire drive. Kinda pointless to have it then huh?

I hope they've found a way to resolve that issue by now.

Is anyone using a G4 power book with 512 MB and 1 GHz 60 GIG intenal for their main recording set-up? Any feedback?

Is there a any problems with recording on the internal 60 GIG with only 5400 speed?

Anyone Using a split monitor set-up with the Power Book G4? I want to use mt 18" Flat panel with it, if at all possible.

Thanks for the info. I'm a new comer to this Mac thing, just switched everything over from a PC set-up. So far it has been the best decision I have made.

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Old 07-16-2003, 12:03 AM
h'biki h'biki is offline
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Default Re: How can you use an external firewire drive and Digi002 with only 1 firewire port?

Originally posted by CraigD:
Does anyone have any suggestions about hooking up an external firewire hard drive and the Digi002 with only 1 firewire port on my G4 Powerbook? Last I heard you couldn't use the firewire out on the Digi002 to run an external firewire drive. Kinda pointless to have it then huh?

I hope they've found a way to resolve that issue by now.

Is anyone using a G4 power book with 512 MB and 1 GHz 60 GIG intenal for their main recording set-up? Any feedback?

Is there a any problems with recording on the internal 60 GIG with only 5400 speed?
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I bought an Adaptec FireConnect FW card for my PB. Best thing I did, cause there are a LOT of FW devices which are moody about having anything daisy chained off them.

THe internal drive is pretty nifty. I've recorded on all 8 inputs on the internal drive with the 002 without any problems.

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Old 07-16-2003, 12:09 AM
Rail Jon Rogut Rail Jon Rogut is offline
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Default Re: How can you use an external firewire drive and Digi002 with only 1 firewire port?

Read page 10 of your Getting Started manual.. or read it online at the technical docs link.

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Old 07-16-2003, 12:50 AM
Master Bates Master Bates is offline
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Default Re: How can you use an external firewire drive and Digi002 with only 1 firewire port?

I managed to get 8 simultaneous tracks from the 002R on my 400mhz TiBook. The only way I could get it to work was to chain the drive after the 002.... which is counter to what the manual says, and perhaps slightly dangerous, but I was desperate. I'll probably get the card bus adaptor, or better yet a G5
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Old 07-16-2003, 01:06 AM
DIGIDUDE26 DIGIDUDE26 is offline
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Default Re: How can you use an external firewire drive and Digi002 with only 1 firewire port?

daisy chain them........this works i have done it follow this in order:

external firewire drive to 002 firewire

2nd firewire port of 002 to the one and only firewire port on your computer........there done enjoy while I try swimming out of the messy quicksand of 6.1
002r, Dual 1.25 G4, 1gig DDR, Dual 17 Studio Display, 12 Powerbook, HR-824's, NS-10m's Good Times!
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Old 07-16-2003, 01:32 AM
tele_player tele_player is offline
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Default Re: How can you use an external firewire drive and Digi002 with only 1 firewire port?

There are Firewire drives which don't have two ports on them? I have three external FW boxes, all have two ports, so I can follow the Digidesign suggestion to only use the 002 at the end of the chain.
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Old 07-16-2003, 02:11 AM
CharlesL CharlesL is offline
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Default Re: How can you use an external firewire drive and Digi002 with only 1 firewire port?

Will firewire repeater/hubs work? not sure if this is a good brand, but i just did a quick search on yahoo and found this:

firewire repeater/hub

It comes with colors that matches your 001 faceplate!! oh wait, sorry, u are using the 002, no customised faceplates yet? heh.
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