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Old 12-05-2024, 01:58 PM
EdEarle EdEarle is offline
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Default HD IO / ASP2802 IO help

Could use some i/o help.

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Focusrite Control 2802 (Audient ASP2802) Ch 1-8 DB25 -> HD IO 16x16 Ch 1-8 input / HD IO outputs 1-8 DB 25 back to Focusrite DB25 input return.
I have setup so that the 2802 is controlling Pro Tools Ultimate, Sessions are playing within Pro Tools but I am not getting any sound into Pro Tools or getting monitoring from Pro Tools.

I have a test mic in 2802 channel 1 with 2802 meters working and speakers playing back, but ch 1 in Pro Tools is not showing any input level when record enabled. I have the master set to output 1 & 2 but nothing seems to be coming back to the 2802 from the master channel.

To simplify, I changed from Pro Tools Aggregate I/O to Pro Tools Audio Bridge 16 for testing purposes, but no change.

Ideally I am hoping to utilize my 2802 Audient pres for Ch 1-8, Have other pres and my H3000 going into HD IO 9-16 via DB25 -><- XLR cables, and have my AxeFx 3 hooked up monitoring main outs and direct signal.

Any help getting audio in/out of this setup would be greatly appreciated.
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Old 12-05-2024, 02:57 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is online now
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Default Re: HD IO / ASP2802 IO help

Too much going on here, you need to simplify and troubleshoot by following the signal path.

I am not following what exactly is happening, but if you are hearing live inputs being output on the 2802 hardware mixer... thats likely just the mixer well being a hardware mixer. Are you sure you are hearing the same channel you are trying to output to the HD I/O? How are those direct line outputs configured? e.g. Pre or post Insert/Fader etc? Is the expected signal level present at the insert output when that is enabled on that channel.

Either the line level outputs on the mixer are not sending out a signal or something is wrong with the cables, HD I/O or Pro Tools. Start at one end and just follow the signal... I would start at the mixer itself, its internal channel signal routing to the Direct outs and confirming there is output at those Direct Output pins.

Does a small speaker (or headphone amp) play audio when connected across the line output DB25 balanced signal pins? Use a test tone into the mixer input if it doesn't have its own, maybe use signal gen and an interface (the HD I/O?) to generate a test tone. If you hear signal on the mixer out pins do you hear that at the other end of the DB-25 cable?

Are the DB-25 cables known to be OK, if not maybe check they have straight through continuity (at least for the triplet of pins your channel uses) with no strange signal routing, check with a multi-meter/continuity tester.

Is this HD Native or HDX? What version of Pro Tools? You could also check the HD I/O box is working stand alone first just playing back pre-recorded audio in a session, or from signal gen. It is not clear to me from your description if that is all working or not. Do the master fader on the HD I/O outputs show a signal level for straight playback (not input monitoring the line from the mixer/console). Does a small test speaker or headphone amp on the HD I/O output pins let you hear that audio? Or measure the voltage from signal gen with a multimeter.

Then check the line level input into the HD I/O, use anything simple, CD player, etc. or loop a known working line output back to the input and test with signal gen.

However you exactly do it is up to you but you need to "pull on a thread" and follow the signal to where you think it should be going.

Last edited by Darryl Ramm; 12-05-2024 at 04:07 PM.
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Old 12-05-2024, 10:27 PM
smurfyou smurfyou is offline
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Default Re: HD IO / ASP2802 IO help

Yes first you need to confirm the HD I/O operation with PT. Use the HDX/HDN audio engine, whatever you have. See if you get signal out of the I/O to the 2802. Then troubleshoot from there.
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