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Old 05-29-2006, 02:41 PM
tdellaringa tdellaringa is offline
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Default Is there a better support option than this forum?

Hi there,

I hope this doesn't sound too much like a trolling post, it isn't meant to be. I've really been struggling with some PT issues, and although the few people that have tried to help me on this forum have been really nice - there is just not enough response in this forum.

I try to word my posts carefully and explain the problem well. But it seems very hard to get problems that are not overly simple solved here. It doesn't help that this is also a deathly slow forum (and I am on broadband), taking a long time to load each and every page and that the forum software is woefully out of date.

DigiDesign seems to make it awfully hard to directly contact them for support as well. Everything points you back to this board, which is frustrating.

I have searched online for other PT forums without success. With so many PT users, you would think there would be a good community out there. Can anyone recommend another PT forum out there that is more responsive than this one?
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Old 05-29-2006, 02:48 PM
filosofem filosofem is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this forum?

you would think there would be a good community out there.

Have you ever heard of the saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

Aaron Mulqueen - 001 HD Native
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Old 05-29-2006, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this forum?

Deathly slow? Its fine here fast as my 4mb broadband

I would try phoning tech support if this isn't helping.
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Old 05-29-2006, 02:57 PM
tdellaringa tdellaringa is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this for

you would think there would be a good community out there.

Have you ever heard of the saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

It's not that I am not thankful for the help that I have gotten, I am. I'm just a little surprised if this is the best thing out there. You look through most threads and they have a couple or few responses. Certainly there are some discussions going on, but not much.

I just compare that with the threads for Cakewalk Sonar when I was a user there. Where a typical thread would have 10-15 answers and a lot more discussion (unless it was a simple answer that was taken care of right away).

Example: I've tried to get help using compression. In the Cakewalk forums that would have spawned lots of interesting discussion on various approaches, what works for people and what doesn't, and so forth.

The answer I got here was "hire someone to help you." On my follow up question to that, there has not been one response.
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Old 05-29-2006, 03:01 PM
tdellaringa tdellaringa is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this for

Deathly slow? Its fine here fast as my 4mb broadband

I would try phoning tech support if this isn't helping.
Yeah, I can make a *TOLL* call to California (not today, it's Memorial day of course). I will try that this week if I can't get any help, but normally it's a lot easier to get the perspective of other users in the trenches.

Plus, my questions are really not support questions per se - there is nothing "wrong" with my system.
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Old 05-29-2006, 03:25 PM
filosofem filosofem is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this for

Example: I've tried to get help using compression. In the Cakewalk forums that would have spawned lots of interesting discussion on various approaches, what works for people and what doesn't, and so forth.
Try Gearslutz, they'll talk to you until the cows come home.

btw., have you tried the DUC search. ...interesting what you'll find!

Aaron Mulqueen - 001 HD Native
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Old 05-29-2006, 03:38 PM
Shawn Simpson Shawn Simpson is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this for

The answer I got here was "hire someone to help you." On my follow up question to that, there has not been one response.
Hold the phone there professor. Your question was about why your sermon didn't sound as loud as a studio produced intro and outro. I'm the one who pointed out that a lack of compression could cause what you're describing and I suggested that you hire somebody to come in and help you setup some presets. I get paid pretty well to answer questions for people in person and at my own forum, but I graciously help out when I can on the boards here. I rarely look past the first page when I start browsing so your follow-up must've fallen off by the time I came back, but I'm surprised you didn't get a ton of responses.

Good luck finding a better forum for your needs.
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Old 05-29-2006, 04:02 PM
tdellaringa tdellaringa is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this for

Right - I appreciated your response, Shawn, and tried the compression settings myself. Like I said, there seemed no interest to my follow up.

I have posted on the job offer section for a consultant to come help me out. I don't mind paying a professional for their time. But I would have thought settings on a compression plug in were something I could get help with in the forums.

Anyway, I don't want to sit here and slam these boards, all I am wondering is - are there other pro tools forums out there? Maybe this is the best one and I need to be more patient, I just am trying to find that out.

I suppose I could start a new thread about compression settings, but I wasn't sure if that was frowned upon when I already had asked the same question in an existing thread.
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Old 05-29-2006, 04:08 PM
Rail Jon Rogut Rail Jon Rogut is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this for

Your question isn't a Pro Tools question... It's an engineering question -- better answered at another beginner's forum. Try the rec.audio.pro newsgroup.

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Old 05-29-2006, 04:51 PM
tdellaringa tdellaringa is offline
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Default Re: Is there a better support option than this for

Thanks Rail
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