Pro Tools Not Starting After Synthmaster Plugin Installation: Seeking Solutions
I've been using Pro Tools Intro for a little over a year. A few days ago, I purchased the Synthmaster Everything Bundle and installed all the plugins. However, after installing the plugins, Pro Tools failed to start. I tried deleting and reinstalling Pro Tools, but that didn’t resolve the issue.
Next, I checked the AAX file locations and deleted the Synthmaster files from Pro Tools’ plugin folder. After deleting and reinstalling Pro Tools again, I attempted to open an old project, but it gave the following errors: "Track was dropped because the maximum number of disk tracks was exceeded" and "Could not complete your request because access violation occurred, unable to read location: 0x0000000000000000."
I completely uninstalled all Synthmaster software and reinstalled Pro Tools once more. Now, Pro Tools works, but I can’t use the Synthmaster plugins. What can I do to resolve this?