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Old 01-21-2012, 06:04 PM
Napping Napping is offline
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Default Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

Hey, everyone. I am doing scoring, sound design, and mixing on a commercial that will be surround for its theatrical version, and stereo for DVD. This is my first mix for either medium, having minimal experience in broadcast. I only have my NS-10M set up, so the client will be having the surround mix done elsewhere. I have been using Nugen's VisLM to mix commercials for broadcast, hitting around -24 using the ITU-R B.S. 1770 LKFS preset, integrated. This has been fine so far. What I have read about film levels seems to make use of leq(m) measurements. However, everything I've read on the subject is from years ago. Please tell me I can use Nugen's VisLM to hit spec for DVD and theatrical? If so, how and to what spec?

I know about calibrating and using your ears. Please save that advice for another post. I hear you, but that advice is just not helpful to me right now. Can anyone advise on a metering solution to hit spec for DVD and theatrical commercials? Can I use what I have? Help?!?! Deadline Monday.
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Old 01-21-2012, 07:27 PM
tom_lowe tom_lowe is offline
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

LUFS isn't designed for theatrical releases. Trailers are measured in Leq(M) and feature films require a calibrated room. Dolby Media Meter is what you need or the new Waves WLM.
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Old 01-21-2012, 07:30 PM
Napping Napping is offline
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

Being that I only have Nugen's VisLM, Wave's Dorrough and PAZ, Ozone 5, and the PhaseScope for sound field plugs, can you recommend the best metering solution for theatrical commercials? DVD?

***Wait...you did! Sorry, must not have read through. DMM again, eh? Keep getting hit with that. No cash at the moment. WLM is not as high, but still too high for me right now. Damn!
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Old 01-22-2012, 04:13 AM
danijel danijel is offline
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Is this going to be the only content of the DVD? If yes, you can hit -27 LKFS, and ask the authoring guy to set the dialnorm to -27, or better yet, mix it to -24 that you're used to, and ask for PCM stereo on DVD (not Dolby AC3). If there will be other content, then someone has to level out all the material before authoring.
As for theatrical, you say someone else will handle the surround mix. That means he will be responsible for the loudness. Just make sure they do it at a proper Dolby approved dub stage with the necessary metering options (a Model 737 meter, or a DMU).
Danijel Milosevic
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Old 01-22-2012, 06:16 AM
Napping Napping is offline
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

Danijel, I am so grateful for your input, man!!! Question: considering that the loudness will be handled at the dub stage for surround, is hitting the -24 once for both sufficient, or is there a better area to sit it at for the dub stage? Question: what sample and bit rate is common? I'm left entirely in the dark with my client. Is it cool to hit 32/48?

I'm in the states, btw.
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Old 01-22-2012, 06:53 AM
Postman Postman is offline
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

Don't sweat over levels that you hand to another mixer. He has faders that work as well as yours. Instead make sure you don't tie his hands too much. For instance don't compress or add radical eq or use noise reduction without having the originals available also. Give good clean sound. For instance, yesterday I received some narration pickups that were recorded by a big name local place with heavy compression and weird eq (no microphone could possibly sound like that without "help"). No doubt the facility it came from meant to be competitive, but that is NOT the way to hand over to someone else who then has to deal with it.

I would encourage you to mix your music to 2 or 3 "splits". It is incredibly helpful in the final surround mix to have lead elements of the music on different channels than the percussion, for instance, and maybe bass separated as well. Do not do any further "mastering" to the music. No overall eq or compression/limiting. That can easily be done during the final mix if necessary (rarely is it necessary).

48kHz/24 bit files are normal for video or film work. Do not give anyone 32 bit files!
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Old 01-22-2012, 07:36 AM
Napping Napping is offline
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

Postman, you beat me to the query even! Was going to ask about dynamics next. Will go 24/48 and sit around -24 LKFS. May send a -24 and -27 to DVD authoring so they have the option to go one of the two ways Danijel suggested. Do they mix dynamics when authoring as well, or were you mainly referring to the dub stage? I have tended to use a little mastering for broadcast to avoid getting stomped on by the broadcast limiter. Should I leave both DVD and theatrical mix pretty dynamic, or does one get more control than the other?

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Old 01-22-2012, 09:09 AM
Postman Postman is offline
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

I was talking about delivering elements to the surround mix.

Broadcast and DVD will both be listened to in a home/office environment and reduced dynamics is appropriate. I'd say mix for -24LKFS and that's all. danijel mentions -27 for reasons that have to do with encoder default settings and other historical minutia. It is one valid approach for DVD but probably not for broadcast. It would take many paragraphs to explain why, and it's all been said here a couple dozen times before. For DVD, if this has a dozen other commercials alongside it, someone needs to even them all out. I cannot answer for every possibility.

Let the surround mixer mix for for theater. This is a commercial anyway so I'm not sure why you're worried about dynamics.
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Old 01-22-2012, 09:21 AM
Napping Napping is offline
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

Solid. Working calibrated to 79 on the NS-10M and will hit -24 LKFS with the Nugen meter. I'll dig up the encoder explanation you mention at another time. For now, it's back to work. Thanks so much!!!
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Old 01-22-2012, 02:01 PM
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Default Re: Nugen VisLM Settings for Theatrical Commercial and DVD

Since you ask so many questions, this project is the perfect opportunity to
follow your work from beginning to end. I understand you have what
have when it comes to the tools to work with.
You should ask the final Mixer for the project what he wants and how it should be laid out for him. He will be the person to give you advice. Ask if you could sit in when it’s being “finaled”. Watch, listen, and learn.
Marti D. Humphrey CAS
aka dr.sound
IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0401937/
Like everything in life, there are no guarantees just opportunities.
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