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Old 09-25-2000, 02:04 PM
Robert U Robert U is offline
Join Date: Dec 1998
Location: From Sweden living in Dubai U.A.E
Posts: 772
Default Confused about authorization challenge-response

Most plugs that they are making today are using the challenge-response metod to authorize. I've been told that you can use the same response code as long as you have the same harddrive....don't know if it will work after making a low level format though. What happens when you change computer...do you have to get a new response every time??? When I bought Serato pitch'n time it said "1 authorization" meaning that I don't have anyone left...

Is there any way to deauthorize or do you have to rebuy the plug every now and then

I would appreciate it very much if someone who knows how this will work could clarify the situation...

Robert Uhlmann
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Old 09-25-2000, 03:09 PM
dBHEAD dBHEAD is offline
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Default Re: Confused about authorization challenge-response

About six months ago we had a catastrophic system crash. The engineer had to deuathorize Pro Tools and every plug we had, then install a new operating system and re-initialize the hard drives.

We had no problem de-authorizing and then re-authorizing any of the plugs except DINR. The engineer believes he can get DINR back too, but thinks it may be quite a wrestling match. So we've decided to take a "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" attitude.

If you're asking about Serato specifically, I don't know. But ALL the plugs I've installed have said "1 authorization left" at some point during the installation, and then "0 installations left" after they were installed. But in every case, it's been possible to deauthorize and get the original authorization back. Usually, it's somewhere in the manual for the software.
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Old 09-25-2000, 03:36 PM
Robert U Robert U is offline
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Default Re: Confused about authorization challenge-response


I just double checked with some of my manuals and it says nothing about deauthorizing. That is only mentioned for the plug's that I have which are using a floppy as authorization.

In your situation you just initalized the harddrive which would keep the authorization intact anyway.

What I am talking about is when you need a new computer with a totally empty hard drive. Then you will get another challenge string meaning you'll need a new response code. Perhaps you'll get a new one once from the software company and then.....?

Robert Uhlmann
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Old 09-25-2000, 05:57 PM
dBHEAD dBHEAD is offline
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Default Re: Confused about authorization challenge-response

Actually, yes, you're right, I was talking about plugs which used floppies for authorization. I haven't actually installed any plugs which DIDN'T use floppies for authorization. However, I did completely uninstall one (VOC-ALIGN) and install it in a different computer with no problems. However, that one used a floppy for authorization.

Sorry I couldn't be more help. Two possible suggestions:

One: I had some problems with Mezzo and found answers in the documentation installed with the software. So if you haven't checked that possibility yet, there might still be a simple solution.

Two: call the company which made the software. I've actually done that even when the solution to the problem IS in the manual. If I can't find it in the table of contents or index for the manual, I'd much rather spend a buck or two on a phone call than spend hours searching through the manual trying to find an answer which might not even be there. My time is far too valuable.

Here's a lesson I've learned over the years: in my job (I'm a TV station Production Manager) I have to work with cameras, video switchers, mixers, VTRs, graphics computers, digital audio workstations, video editing systems, lighting dimmer boards, etc. When I run into a problem which befuddles me (which happens just about every day), I've found that in the long run you're often much better off to call the company which made the product you're having a problem with. It really is a way of cutting to the chase.

Good luck!
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