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Old 01-18-2004, 01:36 PM
djc8902 djc8902 is offline
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Default bypassing 001 preamps

How would I bypass the 001's mic pre's on inputs 1 and 2 if I run out of a 2 channel mic pre with XLR connections? The 2 channel pre only has XLR out and I want to keep the connection balanced. I heard that if you run into 001's inputs 1 and 2 with a 1/4" connection that the mic pre's are automatically bypassed, but I'm hoping I can bypass them using XLR connection's. Any help? Thanks.

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Old 01-18-2004, 05:41 PM
lambro3 lambro3 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

Not sure about the 1/4" trick but if you can get a 2 channel SPDIF AD/DA converter you will be much better off.

That way you can use a better preamp and bypass the terrible Digi 001 converters..
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Old 01-18-2004, 08:27 PM
where02190 where02190 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

IN order to bypass the preamps you need to go into the 001 via either Lightpipe or SPDIF. All of the 1-8 inputs have preamps, 1/2 have a switchable mic/line input pad and a continiously varioable gain attenuator.
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Old 01-19-2004, 12:18 AM
Duardo Duardo is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

Not sure about the 1/4" trick but if you can get a 2 channel SPDIF AD/DA converter you will be much better off.
That way you can use a better preamp and bypass the terrible Digi 001 converters.
You'll only be better off if the converter you get is better than the converters in the 001, which aren't great but aren't "terrible" either. There are certainly worse converters and preamps out there.

If you get an XLR-1/4" TRS cable you can still go into inputs 3-8, which don't have mic preamps, and maintain a balanced connection.

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Old 01-19-2004, 02:03 AM
djc8902 djc8902 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

mmm, as far as I know inputs 3-8 do not have mic preamps WHERE. But that's besides the point. If I can go xlr out to 1/4" in to inputs 3 and 4 with a TRS cable and keep the connection balanced then that pretty much solves my problem. Thank's very much for that tip DUARDO...i'm just a little short on knowledge when it comes to cables and connections and things.

As for that converter post above, I agree that 001's converters arent the best ever, but i've found that preamps and microphones determine the outcome of your work far more than the converters do. Which is why I want to get the Vintech 1272 Neve style mic pre for my setup. Maybe someday down the road i'll get a mini me or something to clock my system to but for now i'm going to make sure that i have some great pre's on my front end...I think that's the most important link in the chain.

Thank's to everyone for their help.
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Old 01-19-2004, 07:17 AM
where02190 where02190 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

All inputs 1-8 have preamps, as previously stated, inputs 1/2 have preamps that accept either mic or line level, and have continiously variable gain. Inputs 3-8 have software sensitivity adjustments only. Also, all inputs 1-8 are balanced +4dbu.

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Old 01-19-2004, 08:44 AM
djc8902 djc8902 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

Thank you for that information WHERE. So let me ask you then, with that being the case, how would I best connect my 2 channel mic pre to the 001's in's and how would I set the internal sensitivity for the inputs that have the pre on the front end? Right now I am basically running everything through a soundcraft spirit M mixer on the front end...all 8 inputs have soundcrafts mic pre's in front of them...and inputs 1 and 2 have the pad switch IN and the gain knobs turned all the way down. All the internal sensitivity marker's are set to line level + 4. I get good sounds but usually have to adjust the input gain on the mixer by pulling down the faders in post fade mode because the level is so hot. I never thought anything of it though. Any additional help would be appreciated, thank you.

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Old 01-19-2004, 09:24 AM
where02190 where02190 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

Set your preamp levels utilizing the console pfl circuitry, and understanding how they read(peak or rms)

Set levels into PT for a nominal -18dbfs, which corelates to 0dbu. This will allow for adequate headroom beore clipping, and give maximum sonic quality.

Running multiple channels into a singel input will requrei you to lower the overall input signal from the cosnle to allow for adequate headroom, as multiple signals will sum when bussed to s single input.

Set all the hw inputs settings to +4db, adjsut 1/2 inputs with pad is as required, however if you are feeding inputs 1/2 +4dbu, the preamp would be fully counterclockwise with the pad engaged.
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Old 01-19-2004, 11:45 AM
djc8902 djc8902 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

I appreciate your help WHERE, but Im afraid I don't completely understand everything your saying. I'm not as well versed as you are obviously when it comes to system setup. Setting my sliders to + 4 in the hardware setup I understand fine...which is exactly how I have it set as I said. But when you started talking "nominal levels" and - 18 dbfs...you kind of lost me. Also, I don't get where the "running multiple channels into a single input" comment relates to my situation. As far as inputs 1 and 2, they arent set to + 4 or anything else, I just need to push in the pad and keep the gain knobs all the way down to prevent clipping. I don't understand the "counterclockwise" thing.

My setup as I said is a soundcraft spirit m mixer, with channels 1-8 on the mixer going direct out into digi 001's inputs 1- 8 via a 1/4" snake. I have the internal hardware setup for inputs 3-8 set to + 4 DBU and inputs 1 and 2 set so that the pad switch is engaged and the gain knobs are at 0. Any gain adjustments for 1 and 2 are made from the spirit M mixer.

I just need to know if this is correct, and if not...what do I need to do to correct it. Please speak in simple terms for the recording musician. haha. But your help is greatly appreciated, from you and from everyone who participates in this forum. I thank you all once again.

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Old 01-19-2004, 05:03 PM
where02190 where02190 is offline
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Default Re: bypassing 001 preamps

multiple=more than one.
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