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Old 07-21-2014, 02:12 AM
WarrenG WarrenG is offline
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Default Fusion drive for system use only?

I'm thinking of getting a new mac mini, possibly with the Fusion drive, but I've read quite a lot here on the DUC about problems using one of these.
My audio is recorded to an external TB drive, so I shall only be using the Fusion drive for OS and apps. I never record audio to the system drive.
So my question is simple - has anyone run into problems using one of these drives with PT (in my case 11.1.2) for system use only?
Best regards
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Old 07-21-2014, 05:10 AM
Bill Denton Bill Denton is offline
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

I don't know if things have changed since the original problem surfaced, but, originally the problem occurred if the Fusion Drive was in the computer, even if it was not being used as the "audio" drive.

Perhaps others can offer updated information if the situation has changed...
Note that all opinions, observations, whatever, in this post are mine, unless I'm being mean or am wrong, in which case it's somebody else's fault. I do not work for Avid (their loss)...my only relationship with Avid is that of a customer (when I'm not too poor to buy stuff, like now)...and that hot administrative assistant...that's more of a "thing" than a "relationship" (that should keep them guessing for a while...)

Just rockin'...what more is there?

Bill in Pittsburgh
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Old 07-21-2014, 05:20 AM
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

Unless the fusion drive is split into SSD and HDD parts, I would not touch one on an audio system...
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Old 07-21-2014, 08:42 AM
nst7 nst7 is offline
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

The problems people had were regardless of whether they had a separate drive for audio.

Stay away from these!
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Old 07-22-2014, 01:03 AM
WarrenG WarrenG is offline
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

OK, thanks everyone, seems to be a resounding no then!

The problem is that 256GB isn't big enough for the system drive for me and replacing a hard drive with a SSD looks like quite a job.
Best regards
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Old 07-25-2014, 07:33 AM
VRW VRW is offline
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

Originally Posted by nst7 View Post
The problems people had were regardless of whether they had a separate drive for audio.

Stay away from these!
Too many negative reports regarding Fusion drives and PT11.

If you still want a Mini there are 2 options I see actually.

1. bite the bullet and replace the OS drive yourself (or ask a friend to do it).
In this case it would make sense to buy the most affordable basic version of the
Mini with the 5400rpm HD and 4GB Ram.
+ : get the max out of the Mini by spending as less money as possible.
- : takes a bit of time and effort to do it but you easily could get help by
videos which show exactly how to do it, step by step.
You also will have to install Trim enabler to get Trim support enabled for your
3rd party SSD as Apple only enables Trim support for their own SSDs by default.
For more info about it check this out

For the installation video you may have a look there.
It´s the official OWC video for that, showing it very detailed.
It´s not too difficult actually, you only have to take yourself time (about 30min.)
and do every step carefully.

You further would need this (if you haven´t got something like that already).

A high quality SSD.



And the additional Ram.
(if 10GB would be enough for you, you only may add one 8GB module e.g.)

(got 2 of these myself in my Mini working flawlessly for at least 2 years)

So this would be the most cost effective version.

2. if you are not on a tight budget and you actually could spread out your OS drive data
on two 256GB SSD drives, this may be the most convenient and uncomplicated way to get this.
Buy the Mini Server model which you can order with two built in 256GB SSD drives and
all the Ram directly from the Apple store.
+ : you would not have to care for anything, no replacing drives or Ram and you
would not have to care for Trim support at any time as this will be enabled by default by Apple.
- : less storage (compared to a 1TB Evo), you would have to spread out your OS drive data
and it would not be the most affordable version indeed.

You may check it out there.

That´s it actually.

Anyway, the best of success,

cheers, VRW

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Old 07-26-2014, 12:51 AM
WarrenG WarrenG is offline
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

Many thanks for this!
I upgraded the hard drive in my MBP to a 1TB SSD and it made huge difference. I sorted out the Trim enabler on that. I put the original hard drive in the DVD bay and the DVD drive in an external enclosure.
I did look at the video to show how to replace the drive in the mini, which looks more convoluted than on the MBP, but I guess it's just a matter of following the steps.
I'm in no great rush to upgrade and I keep seeing rumours of a new mini, so maybe I'll sit tight for now (and not hold my breath)!
Again, many thanks for the help!
Best regards
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Old 07-27-2014, 01:25 PM
RegenerationMix RegenerationMix is offline
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

my current MBP has a 128g SSD drive for the system, a 750g 7200 drive in the dvd bay for audio, and a 64g microSD card for samples.

All work just fine.




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Old 11-04-2014, 07:09 AM
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

Apparently the problems with Fusion Drives had been fixed in OSX 10.9.2 release. I will be able to confirm that in a few days when my iMac with FD arrives. I will test it. Later I am going to split it to SSD+HDD for better control over what's on which drive.
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Old 11-04-2014, 08:36 AM
Obsidian Dragon Obsidian Dragon is offline
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Default Re: Fusion drive for system use only?

Originally Posted by milaszewski View Post
Apparently the problems with Fusion Drives had been fixed in OSX 10.9.2 release. I will be able to confirm that in a few days when my iMac with FD arrives. I will test it. Later I am going to split it to SSD+HDD for better control over what's on which drive.
Please keep us posted to see if the issue has been resolved. I haven't used a fusion drive before but isn't the intended benefit of fusion drives the performance improvements over standard only spinning platter drives due to the SSD acting as an intermediary storage (faster read and writes)? Wouldn't splitting the spinning platter drive from the SSD defeat that benefit? I get that you'd have one small fast SSD and one slower HDD but the fusion drive as intended should have an overall average speed better than the HHD alone. At least that is what is being marketed.
Obsidian Dragon
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