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Old 02-17-2014, 01:54 AM
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

No probs mate ! Solutions will be found !
But the stock price is a scary thing to look at !
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Old 02-17-2014, 02:16 AM
8dB.co.uk 8dB.co.uk is offline
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

Then don't look at any other pro audio stock either.

Us sound engineers are an inventive bunch. I'm sure that there is the talent out there for an inventive solution.

My old HUI controller was EOL'd when 64bit Windows came along and they refused to port the drivers. Thankfully it's built like a brick outhouse so the need for spares is less. I put together a RTPMidi box on a old 32bit laptop and now have happy motoring again. I have no idea of Radikal's stock price and I don't care, especially as they haven't made this kit for a decade.

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Old 02-17-2014, 09:24 AM
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

Like I said before Avid should just release the drivers (beta) and say here you go you're on your own. They know we're 'between a rock' because sooner or later there will be no upgrade path from PT10. That's the part that stinks. I would upgrade to PT11 now to keep up (still wouldn't use 11 day to day).
It will really suck if say PT12 becomes an incompatible format (.ptz or something)
Say what you want but it's a dumb decision on their part. I would imagine you want to sell as many copies of PT11 as possible...

Last edited by bcwiz; 02-17-2014 at 10:47 PM.
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Old 02-18-2014, 03:57 PM
markus44uk markus44uk is offline
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

I have neve channel strips that were built in the early 80's and they sound awesome. I've just sent them to an Neve tech in the UK and he has restored them to their original spec...cost me £200 and change. These babies are priceless !

Avid have deliberately abandoned part of their customer base. The stock is not down because they won't support the Control 24 anymore...the stock is down because their earnings growth prospects have shrunk....full stop. the stock market couldn't care less about product support or upgrade paths...they look at earnings growth and nothing more. I'm in the business for 30 years and I can be certain about this.

So Avid screwed me as a result of their business decision...they lost me as a repeat customer as they have lost many others. As an analyst for stocks, I can predict that Avid as a company is a losing venture and its only a matter of time before someone buys them out to gain access to their proprietary software and hardware (not so much). Just like Avid bought Digidesign...so too will someone else buy Avid when its cheap enough to make sense as an acquisition...

Given the horror stories about PT11...I'm perfectly happy with my PT10 and Control 24...it was good enough when I upgraded from PT9 and I see no reason to let it go. It WORKS !
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Old 02-18-2014, 05:19 PM
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Default Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

I thought I'd throw this out. I know some of you already saw this. In my drop down menu with my 003 I saw the C/24 and others in my drop down menu. Oh yeah. 11.1.2. Am I wrong? Why would that be there? Don't have time to read the post for the next year. Hope it works for you all.

PT 11, PT LE 6.0, DIGI 001, DIGI 003, 27" Late 2012 Intel iMac, Blue and White G3, Reason 7, Celemony, Waves, A.I.R., Softube, XLN Audio, IKmultimedia, Massey
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, Yamaha Motif ES8, Sure SM58, Sure KSM27, Byerdynamic MC 834 N, Event Project Studio 6, Pod Line 6, Focusrite Trakmaster Pro DI, Glyph Drives, Lexicon,
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Old 02-18-2014, 06:15 PM
CME CME is offline
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

I believe the newer c|24 is supported. It's the control 24 and older that isn't.
Dell T5810. Harrison Mixbus 32C. Haven't used PT since 2015 and never been happier.
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Old 02-18-2014, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

Aaaaaahhhhh. See. I told myself not to respond😳 Damm technogy😝
PT 11, PT LE 6.0, DIGI 001, DIGI 003, 27" Late 2012 Intel iMac, Blue and White G3, Reason 7, Celemony, Waves, A.I.R., Softube, XLN Audio, IKmultimedia, Massey
Alesis Masterlink, Alesis Adat LX20,
, Yamaha Motif ES8, Sure SM58, Sure KSM27, Byerdynamic MC 834 N, Event Project Studio 6, Pod Line 6, Focusrite Trakmaster Pro DI, Glyph Drives, Lexicon,
Fender Strats, Ibanez Acoustic, Ibanez Bass, Ibanez Electric.

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Old 02-18-2014, 06:44 PM
CME CME is offline
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

No worries. I could be mistaken. And while I know that avid has stated EOL dates as their reason for dropping support. I can't imagine making the control 24 work would be very difficult seeing as the c|24 does. Anyways...

Here's a "rumor" that looks very promising. Seeing as I'm already slowly switching over this is icing on the cake. And once they add midi in v3 of mixbus that makes it a very promising alternative for pretty much anyone. At least IMHO.

Dell T5810. Harrison Mixbus 32C. Haven't used PT since 2015 and never been happier.
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Old 02-18-2014, 11:11 PM
Tweakhead Tweakhead is offline
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

Originally Posted by CME View Post
snip . . . I can't imagine making the control 24 work would be very difficult seeing as the c|24 does. . . . snip
Exactly. You summed it up right there.
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Old 02-19-2014, 04:49 AM
Bill Denton Bill Denton is offline
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Default Re: Control|24 and ProControl with Pro Tools 11?

Originally Posted by CME View Post
No worries. I could be mistaken. And while I know that avid has stated EOL dates as their reason for dropping support. I can't imagine making the control 24 work would be very difficult seeing as the c|24 does. Anyways...

Here's a "rumor" that looks very promising. Seeing as I'm already slowly switching over this is icing on the cake. And once they add midi in v3 of mixbus that makes it a very promising alternative for pretty much anyone. At least IMHO.

I can't imagine making the control 24 work would be very difficult seeing as the c|24 does.

It becomes very difficult if you are dealing with computer chips that are no longer produced and things like that.

Check out this thread...I and many others have pointed out many reasons why it can be difficult...
Note that all opinions, observations, whatever, in this post are mine, unless I'm being mean or am wrong, in which case it's somebody else's fault. I do not work for Avid (their loss)...my only relationship with Avid is that of a customer (when I'm not too poor to buy stuff, like now)...and that hot administrative assistant...that's more of a "thing" than a "relationship" (that should keep them guessing for a while...)

Just rockin'...what more is there?

Bill in Pittsburgh
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