Midi connection causing stop command unresponsive
Hi, I have this problem is driving me crazy a bit, I have a protools 8.0.1 cs1 LE and 003 Rack, on Leopard ppc, and every time I plug a midi cable in, in this case being a minimoog voyger, the stop command just doesn't work propperly.
On some info on the web I 've found there is a problem with a midi function called "midi run status" on the moog voyager, so I disabled it. The problem improved a bit, but I discovered that no matter what, every time I plug a midi cable in the port, the stop command just doesn't work right, it takes like 7 seconds or so to stop.
I hace removed preferences, repaired permissions and all...but it have not done a thing, I even took away pluggins to no avail.
So, what can I do to solve this problem ? any hints will be more than welcomed and apreciated.
warm reggards...
Last edited by losrack; 04-28-2010 at 03:14 AM.
Reason: syntax error