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Old 01-17-2001, 10:25 PM
Shan Plourde Shan Plourde is offline
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Bensenville, IL, US
Posts: 29
Default MIDI Recording in Win98 Protools LE and keyboards...Can I use non-General MIDI sounds

Ok, ambigious subject, but oh well...

I have a Korg Triton, and I want to record a MIDI track in Protools LE. So what I do is create a MIDI track in PTLE, and an AUX track so I can hear the sounds from my keyboard...That's all cool.

Problem is if I try recording to the MIDI track in Protools (record enable it) the Korg Triton only allows me to use general midi (or is it gm 2? not sure...) sounds. So basically all of the sounds I want to record into protools, with MIDI events, can't happen.

It's really wacky. I can't select non-general midi sounds on my Triton. I see all available sound programs listed but when I try to choose one it goes to a general MIDI sound program. If I toast the MIDI track in Protools all is fine and I can record to the AUX track, but then I don't have the MIDI track with the events (what I really want).

My guess is that question doesn't make too much sense, but if someone kind of knows what I'm talking about...Otherwise I can try to describe my question in a different way.

Thanks all you amazing MIDI people!

Shan Plourde
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Old 01-18-2001, 08:40 AM
VanEdge VanEdge is offline
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Default Re: MIDI Recording in Win98 Protools LE and keyboards...Can I use non-General MIDI sounds

did you try selecting your patch or tone for the triton via the mix window in PT?
that's how i do it with my synths. i select the patch or tone through PT, and voila!
(as long as everything is on the proper midi channel, etc.)
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Old 01-18-2001, 09:34 PM
Shan Plourde Shan Plourde is offline
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Bensenville, IL, US
Posts: 29
Default Re: MIDI Recording in Win98 Protools LE and keyboards...Can I use non-General MIDI sounds

Ok, I learned something tonight, thanks! I think I still need to learn a lot more though! On the Triton I can choose bank + program. A 'bank' represents a grouping of sound types, such as drum bank, bass bank. A program is a specific drum set in the drunk bank, or bass set in the bass bank. I don't think I can get to that level of selection within Protools...Or can I?

Now I'm trying to figure out if a single MIDI channel can only use a single sound bank. My guess is yes, but if not I'll be back!

I am getting painfully loud noises coming out of my headphones periodically and I think it's damaging my hearing...Not sure why it's happening...Hopefully I don't go deaf before I figure it out. Oh well, I can always sue if I have to...
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