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Old 04-30-2009, 11:19 PM
nirels nirels is offline
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Default send input to several aux send simultaneously in D-show??

i am working alot with Profile and i come across a need that i can't seem to find a solution to-
i want to send an input or severl inputs to several Aux send simultaneously- is there a way to do it?
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Old 05-02-2009, 10:45 PM
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Sheldon Radford Sheldon Radford is offline
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Default Re: send input to several aux send simultaneously in D-show??


There isn't a way to do this today, but I can see how useful it would be.

VENUE users:
how would you like to see this implemented? Let's hear some ideas...

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Old 05-03-2009, 03:35 AM
eytan eytan is offline
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Default Re: send input to several aux send simultaneously in D-show??

Hi Sheldon,

I see it done this way:

1) In the Inputs page. Select the input channel from which you want to send to the auxes.
2) With the mouse and keyboard - Control/left click to select (or de-select) the aux knobs that you want to send simultaneously. When you do this, you actually enter "Aux knob multi-select mode". You should also be able to do this with the multi select pushbutton and then clicking an Aux knob.
3) Turn one of the aux knobs to send this channel simultaneously to all selected aux busses.
4) Right click on one of the aux knobs to open up a menu that lets you choose to have these auxes permanently linked. You should also be able to choose whether you want to have "relative" or "absolute" gain changes.
5) If you want several channels' auxes to send their auxes simultaneously you would have to be able to toggle between channels in order to continue selecting individual aux send knobs etc.. (you are still in multi-select mode).
6) Toggling between channels should be done by selecting a channel. However, this selection should not be a part of the "multi-select" which is now being used for the auxes knobs selection.
7) Exit "Aux knobs multi-select" mode.

(edit) Oh, and another thing - you should be able to de-link a certain knob in order to change it's gain individually. After you have made the change you should be able to return it to being one of the linked knobs.

I hope this makes sense.

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Old 05-05-2009, 10:36 AM
Justin Bartlett Justin Bartlett is offline
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Default Re: send input to several aux send simultaneously in D-show??

OK so I'm just a VENUE wannabe...(hopefully soon), but here's my idea, if I understand the question correctly:

To do this with one channel, with ability to run it on the fly:

1. Assign the input channel to a second channel strip, *without* an output assigned to the main mix.

2. Set the desired aux sends to unity on the second channel strip.

3. Set the desired aux sends to post-fader on the second channel strip.

4. The second channel's fader becomes the aux level control for the desired auxes on a pre-(first channel) fader basis.

To do this with multiple channels:

1. Assign all desired channels to an extra aux send at unity gain, pre- or post-fader as desired.

2. Set that aux send's output level to unity.

3. Route that aux send's output to an extra input channel strip.

4. As above, on the new channel strip set the desired aux sends to unity, post-fader.

5. The new channel strip's fader now controls the aux send levels to those auxes from the desired channels.

Hope that helps
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Old 05-07-2009, 05:18 AM
eytan eytan is offline
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Default Re: send input to several aux send simultaneously in D-show??

Your suggestion Justin is much simpler and doesn't require any software update.

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Old 05-07-2009, 06:07 AM
james tebb james tebb is offline
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Default Re: send input to several aux send simultaneously in D-show??

Howdy, I touched on something similar in a different thread. If you could set up an event so that eg pressing F1 multi selects a user defined group of channels (select group), an action can then be taken on all these channels.
Its useful for loads of things egselect a group of faders/hit bank safe, if you need to get to the layer below reselect the group in 1 button push and disable bank safe.
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