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Old 12-14-2008, 01:24 PM
tha]-[acksaw tha]-[acksaw is offline
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Default Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

I have a question for you savages in this thread... love it by the way!!!

When I track a vocalist, I use at least 5 track all going to the same bus with verb and/or eq. I will have the vocalist go through the song, or their part in a song, at least 5 times and sometimes more. So when I start comping I create a new track going to the same bus and then I start listening to the vocal recordings one phrase at a time. When I find the one I like I will highlight the section and then hit Ctrl E to sperate the region. After that I use the Windows Start Key and Alt to drag that region up to my comp, without removing it from its origional recording. I do this so I have a road map of where I was comping from, incase I wanna go back.

Here is the question. Is there a way that I can listen to my comp track and let it roll into the next phrase I wanna audition for comping? For instance, lets say I have picked the first phrase I wanna use, and then drag it up to my comp track. Now I wanna hear that phrase I picked as a pre roll to the next phrase I would need to choose. So I can hear how my comp is woking with the differnt options I have on the 5 recordings I did.

Thanks for the help. And sorry for the lame description!

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Old 12-14-2008, 04:39 PM
holden holden is offline
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Default Re: Enuff Q: How about some tips!!!!

tha]-[acksaw -

Kenny Gioia has a relevant trick for this in the Comping Vocals section of his Pro Tools Tips & Tricks Vol 1. It requires that you keep your vocal takes as playlists on the same track, with a separate comp track. Out of respect for Kenny I'm not going to divulge his method, but owning both sets of his tutorials I can testify that they dwarf their price in value.

PT9.0.0, 3.0GHz Mac Pro, OS 10.6.3, 13GB RAM, HD6/Accel, Magma PE6R4, PRE
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Old 12-27-2008, 02:55 AM
Kenny Gioia Kenny Gioia is offline
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Default Re: Enuff Q: How about some tips!!!!

Originally Posted by tha]-[acksaw View Post
I have a question for you savages in this thread... love it by the way!!!

When I track a vocalist, I use at least 5 track all going to the same bus with verb and/or eq. I will have the vocalist go through the song, or their part in a song, at least 5 times and sometimes more. So when I start comping I create a new track going to the same bus and then I start listening to the vocal recordings one phrase at a time. When I find the one I like I will highlight the section and then hit Ctrl E to sperate the region. After that I use the Windows Start Key and Alt to drag that region up to my comp, without removing it from its origional recording. I do this so I have a road map of where I was comping from, incase I wanna go back.

Here is the question. Is there a way that I can listen to my comp track and let it roll into the next phrase I wanna audition for comping? For instance, lets say I have picked the first phrase I wanna use, and then drag it up to my comp track. Now I wanna hear that phrase I picked as a pre roll to the next phrase I would need to choose. So I can hear how my comp is woking with the differnt options I have on the 5 recordings I did.

Thanks for the help. And sorry for the lame description!

Just put the comp track right above the track with all the takes.

Set them both to the same voice. Then you'll hear the previous "keeper" line go into all the new options.

Hope that helps.
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Old 06-11-2013, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

You are killing yourself by using 5 tracks. You should use 1 track and 5 playlists(do a pass, add new playlist and do another pass, repeat). Then set the track to show playlists(I add 1 more playlist and name it voc.comp). Solo the take you want to audition(and here's where I depart from Avid's normal method). I always hit stop before I solo the next take I want to hear(using the spacebar to start/stop is brutally simple here). The reason for this is, when you are listening to a take, and hit solo on another take, if play continues, it can take a few seconds before what you hear, is actually what you selected. By stopping and starting, you WILL always hear what is selected(solo'd). When you hear the take you like, whether its a word, a phrase or entire line, just highlight and hit the up arrow to promote to your comp. This may sound like a lot of work, but its quite easy and fast, as long as you avoid the tendency to do 16 takes(yes, I have a producer that insists on that! Fortunately, he knows how to comp in PT and takes over.....God bless him)
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

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Old 06-12-2013, 10:06 AM
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Default Re: Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

(yes, I have a producer that insists on that! Fortunately, he knows how to comp in PT and takes over.....God bless him)

I always spend a few minutes with the brightest (least high) band member and show him 3 things on ProTools: 1. how to clean up dead (possibly noisy) air 2. How to do crossfades on edited clips 3. How to comp playlists

I usually do my version in advance and when he questions the comp track that I've cobbled together, I let him have at it while I play a few hours of Battlefield. They usually stagger in swearing never to question my authoritah i.e. comping skillz.

Now: MacPro Tower OS 10.8 - PT2018- MBox Pro - MACKIE preamp for monitoring only - mostly WAVES PIs - a couple of AKG/Shure Mics - MAudio Key49
Up Next: Mac Mini M2, PT 2023.9, Focusrite Solo - I love this set up! It's faster than I could have hoped for.
Then: ProTools 5-ish digi001 on a PC running Windows Millennium
BD (before digital)-from Tascam 8-track to Neve 64 - ran live audio for Club 88 in LA (Decline of Western Civilization) and Stage East in N Hollywood

"...this puts things into perspective...too much ****** perspective..." David St Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel standing over Elvis' grave.
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Old 06-12-2013, 10:16 AM
Kenny Gioia Kenny Gioia is offline
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Default Re: Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

Originally Posted by albee1952 View Post
You are killing yourself by using 5 tracks. You should use 1 track and 5 playlists(do a pass, add new playlist and do another pass, repeat). Then set the track to show playlists(I add 1 more playlist and name it voc.comp). Solo the take you want to audition(and here's where I depart from Avid's normal method). I always hit stop before I solo the next take I want to hear(using the spacebar to start/stop is brutally simple here). The reason for this is, when you are listening to a take, and hit solo on another take, if play continues, it can take a few seconds before what you hear, is actually what you selected. By stopping and starting, you WILL always hear what is selected(solo'd). When you hear the take you like, whether its a word, a phrase or entire line, just highlight and hit the up arrow to promote to your comp. This may sound like a lot of work, but its quite easy and fast, as long as you avoid the tendency to do 16 takes(yes, I have a producer that insists on that! Fortunately, he knows how to comp in PT and takes over.....God bless him)
But stopping between takes kills the vibe IMHO.

If you can't use voice stealing (non-TDM) then I would set up a compressor that is "keyed" from the Comp track to Duck the Takes track.

So you have your Comp track and a Takes track. The Takes track has all the takes that you're comping from. The Takes track will be ducked whenever the Comp track is playing so that you'll always hear the keeper parts flowing into your vocal options.

Good luck.
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Old 06-12-2013, 01:09 PM
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Default Re: Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

Kenny knows lots more than me, but honestly, hitting spacebar twice and clicking a Solo button in between takes about 1 second, and there's not much "vibe" involved with listening to the same line or phrase, over and over.

As for the rest, my method works fine without any trickery(though I have great respect for Kenny's level of knowledge, I believe this might be over-thinking). At the end of the day, try ALL methods and choose the one that works best for you(that's the beauty of options...or is it the curse).
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

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Old 06-12-2013, 02:05 PM
Kenny Gioia Kenny Gioia is offline
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Default Re: Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

Originally Posted by albee1952 View Post
Kenny knows lots more than me,
Damn right. Do you see my badge?

Just kidding!!!!

Originally Posted by albee1952 View Post
but honestly, hitting spacebar twice and clicking a Solo button in between takes about 1 second, and there's not much "vibe" involved with listening to the same line or phrase, over and over.
I don't take issue with hitting the space bar as I also stop before switching takes. Looping is inaccurate as you pointed out.

My issue is that I want to hear the line in context. If I chose take 7 on the previous line from the one I'm picking, I want to hear take 7 go into the new takes.

That's a flaw of the comping system that Pro Tools created IMHO. They should have made a "keeper" playlist that always plays when there's audio on there.

Coming out of the wrong take skews your view on how good the next line is or if it's all flowing at all. It's supposed to be a great performance. Not a bunch of great isolated pieces.

Because I'm on TDM, it's really easy by using voice stealing. Although using a compressor for ducking isn't very hard either.

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Old 06-13-2013, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!!! I think between the 2 of us, we may be on to the next improvement for Avid's comping system. How about a simple key command to select a clip on any playlist as a "keeper" that will be played, regardless of solo selection(once you designate a clip as a "keeper"). Then, once you finish and have all your "keepers" selected, a single click promotes all to your comp playlist
HP Z4 workstation, Mbox Studio

The better I drink, the more I mix

BTW, my name is Dave, but most people call me.........................Dave
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Old 06-13-2013, 11:19 AM
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Default Re: Auditioning the 'next' phrase when Comping Tracks

Originally Posted by albee1952 View Post
Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!!! I think between the 2 of us, we may be on to the next improvement for Avid's comping system. How about a simple key command to select a clip on any playlist as a "keeper" that will be played, regardless of solo selection(once you designate a clip as a "keeper"). Then, once you finish and have all your "keepers" selected, a single click promotes all to your comp playlist
damn good idea Albee. the time involved with comping can be downright consuming and trying to remember the good clip sections from 9 playlists can be daunting. Don't get me started about trying to compare between the best and 2nd best clips on 9 different playlists, "it's enough to lose my mind" - to quote some rock song i forgot the name of.

Now: MacPro Tower OS 10.8 - PT2018- MBox Pro - MACKIE preamp for monitoring only - mostly WAVES PIs - a couple of AKG/Shure Mics - MAudio Key49
Up Next: Mac Mini M2, PT 2023.9, Focusrite Solo - I love this set up! It's faster than I could have hoped for.
Then: ProTools 5-ish digi001 on a PC running Windows Millennium
BD (before digital)-from Tascam 8-track to Neve 64 - ran live audio for Club 88 in LA (Decline of Western Civilization) and Stage East in N Hollywood

"...this puts things into perspective...too much ****** perspective..." David St Hubbins and Nigel Tufnel standing over Elvis' grave.
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