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Old 09-13-2024, 01:29 PM
FOJOM FOJOM is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

I am getting the same Pro Tools error; "Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read location: 0x0000000000000009."

I have been successfully running the latest version of Pro Tools Artist on a Dell PC using Windows 10. I recently bought a Series C CyberPowerPC with Windows 11 and now get the 0x0000000000000009 error. Both PC's have McAfee.
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Old 09-13-2024, 01:37 PM
sw rec sw rec is online now
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

The big red flag to me is “Norton Security.” Last time I tried ANY anti-virus it brought Pro Tools to a halt. So I used Windows Defender instead, and got rid of Norton. Everything worked fine after that.
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Old 09-13-2024, 02:54 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

Originally Posted by FOJOM View Post
I am getting the same Pro Tools error; "Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read location: 0x0000000000000009."

I have been successfully running the latest version of Pro Tools Artist on a Dell PC using Windows 10. I recently bought a Series C CyberPowerPC with Windows 11 and now get the 0x0000000000000009 error. Both PC's have McAfee.
And you should be doing the troubleshooting discussed in this very thread.

One thing to be careful of with new PCs is also what crap is on there. Did you do a clean Windows install yourself or is this system loaded up with bloatware/crapware besides McAfee? Personally first thing I'd do with any PC is wipe the disk and do a full clean install from Microsoft Windows installers (not do an OEM recovery, and then I'm paranoid about what drivers get installed, I don't just let plug and pray run and decide). Who knows, maybe this is a new Windows 11 issue, but the thing to do there is check how it behaves with a very clean basic install. If still stuck post a SiSoft Sandra report.

Last edited by Darryl Ramm; 09-13-2024 at 04:00 PM.
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Old 09-13-2024, 05:35 PM
tonygoodall tonygoodall is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

Originally Posted by FOJOM View Post
I am getting the same Pro Tools error; "Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read location: 0x0000000000000009."

I have been successfully running the latest version of Pro Tools Artist on a Dell PC using Windows 10. I recently bought a Series C CyberPowerPC with Windows 11 and now get the 0x0000000000000009 error. Both PC's have McAfee.
same here, my old PC with win10 is running Norton with the same plugins and PT works fine
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Old 09-13-2024, 05:58 PM
tonygoodall tonygoodall is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

Originally Posted by Darryl Ramm View Post
And you should be doing the troubleshooting discussed in this very thread.

One thing to be careful of with new PCs is also what crap is on there. Did you do a clean Windows install yourself or is this system loaded up with bloatware/crapware besides McAfee? Personally first thing I'd do with any PC is wipe the disk and do a full clean install from Microsoft Windows installers (not do an OEM recovery, and then I'm paranoid about what drivers get installed, I don't just let plug and pray run and decide). Who knows, maybe this is a new Windows 11 issue, but the thing to do there is check how it behaves with a very clean basic install. If still stuck post a SiSoft Sandra report.
I know that "install the OS from scratch" has been the default advice on here for 24 years, but honestly, I have never seen that suggested for any other software other than PT. Is it really necessary?

It's true that doing a clean build is the way to set up environments for critical systems, but I suspect it's not realistic for most people installing PT on a general purpose high end PC at home. I've always managed to get PT to run without reinstalling an OS

Norton is an industry standard product. This PC was as-is from the vendor, I assume a default build. All that I installed before PT was Microsoft office. I'd hope for few problems.
I only ever seem to have these issues with PT. Maybe it will be something easy, but I have too many battle scars to be complacent.
A silly one comes to mind- years ago I couldn't get PT to load for weeks, tried everything. In the end it was a faulty USB drive (intended for backups) that I wasn't using. But PT would just fall over and get stuck during initialisation.
That kind of lack of resilience was unacceptable, I hope that current versions have been improved.

What I'm saying is that if there is some problem with the PC, PT should tell me what it is, rather than me rebuilding from scratch in the hope that it might work.

I'll try to send a Sandra report over the weekend

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Old 09-13-2024, 06:58 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

Lots of complex software has these some of these same issues, try dealing with high end CAD/machine control packages or software development environments or instrumentation control software with legacy crap and lots of incompatible DLLs or funky drivers. Pro Tools could be a lot better but it is the way it is (lots of old stuff, legacy app partially ported off Mac, etc.). I ran product management at early VMware, dealing with Windows and app incompatibility is largely where we got started making money... solving horrific Windows compatibility problems. Giving apps a unique clean Windows environment to run in, and many of those were mundane business apps incompatible with lots of stuff.

And if Pro Tools works on a random PC (and things are getting somewhat better there with modern PC and some improvements in Pro Tools) then great, you are set. But here it's not working, so you need to be in scientific/paranoid troubleshooting mode, not "what normally works for me" mode. And here for example, nobody has a clue what your reseller/OEM installed on your system... and some mess them up badly. Little vendors like Dell.

Noton is crapware, like lot of other anti-virus/anti-malware it long ago became it's own malware. It's a joke. They have convinced you it's standard stuff and you are one of the suckers that keeps installing this crapware. See my earlier comment. Norton is just another player in a totally broken, dangerous and insecure system that should not exist, and hopefully will be radically paired down by Microsoft. The standard advice for optimizing a Windows PC for Pro Tools includes to disable anti-virus software, that advice is there for good reasons.

Nobody else here knows what is causing these problems. You folks need to troubleshoot what is going on on your systems. And the fastest way to do that *might* be to get a stock standard MS Windows install with nothing else and see if you have this problem with that install, if it's a driver or some other thing you are adding etc.... if it happens with a clean Windows install then run, don't walk to Avid support and let them know your exact setup. They should be able to reproduce that fast. Please post the incident number here and folks will help make sure that's looked at. Certainly my advice is think about doing that vs. spending lots of other time linearly trying things, it's your call where you spend time troubleshooting, but be wary of that linear walk trap, trying one thing after another, that can turn into a terrible waste of time.
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Old 09-14-2024, 01:45 AM
tonygoodall tonygoodall is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

Originally Posted by Darryl Ramm View Post
Lots of complex software has these some of these same issues, try dealing with high end CAD/machine control packages or software development environments or instrumentation control software with legacy crap and lots of incompatible DLLs or funky drivers. Pro Tools could be a lot better but it is the way it is (lots of old stuff, legacy app partially ported off Mac, etc.). I ran product management at early VMware, dealing with Windows and app incompatibility is largely where we got started making money... solving horrific Windows compatibility problems. Giving apps a unique clean Windows environment to run in, and many of those were mundane business apps incompatible with lots of stuff.

And if Pro Tools works on a random PC (and things are getting somewhat better there with modern PC and some improvements in Pro Tools) then great, you are set. But here it's not working, so you need to be in scientific/paranoid troubleshooting mode, not "what normally works for me" mode. And here for example, nobody has a clue what your reseller/OEM installed on your system... and some mess them up badly. Little vendors like Dell.

Noton is crapware, like lot of other anti-virus/anti-malware it long ago became it's own malware. It's a joke. They have convinced you it's standard stuff and you are one of the suckers that keeps installing this crapware. See my earlier comment. Norton is just another player in a totally broken, dangerous and insecure system that should not exist, and hopefully will be radically paired down by Microsoft. The standard advice for optimizing a Windows PC for Pro Tools includes to disable anti-virus software, that advice is there for good reasons.

Nobody else here knows what is causing these problems. You folks need to troubleshoot what is going on on your systems. And the fastest way to do that *might* be to get a stock standard MS Windows install with nothing else and see if you have this problem with that install, if it's a driver or some other thing you are adding etc.... if it happens with a clean Windows install then run, don't walk to Avid support and let them know your exact setup. They should be able to reproduce that fast. Please post the incident number here and folks will help make sure that's looked at. Certainly my advice is think about doing that vs. spending lots of other time linearly trying things, it's your call where you spend time troubleshooting, but be wary of that linear walk trap, trying one thing after another, that can turn into a terrible waste of time.
I understand what you mean, I've worked in IT development for decades too, I had hoped that Windows and PT had moved on in 25 years.
This laptop is not really intended as a PT machine, but I thought it would be nice to run a second copy on it, but I will be buy a new tower PC to use as my main PT platform in a few days or weeks, so I'm not sure I will do OS re-installs to get the laptop working with it.

I hadn't heard Norton criticized before, for me it's just a cheap AV option from my internet provider, I get 15 licenses for a small subscription. I could do an uninstall reasonably easily.
Are there any of the free AV products that work well with PT?
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Old 09-14-2024, 05:24 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

As I said I personally use Windows Defender, turned off most of the time. Windows firewall, a good third party password manager and paranoia about security and privacy (leading ad blockers and privacy plugins in web browsers etc.). High quality VPN used for external connections, etc.. And I keep stuff that does not need to be online offline/just not connected to a network. In a world of so much malware and zero day exploits personal action counts for a lot. Nothing to do with audio but I've done my time in corporate secure environments with Chromebooks, hardware security dongles, and world class security teams. Windows especially in the hands of typical users is such a liability for those large companies.

But again, do whatever works for you. If Norton works for you then great. The immediate issue here again is how do you most quickly/effectively troubleshoot the problem you are having on this computer.

This error is simply dereferencing a pointer that happens to be set to 9, in the nonsensical/illegal low memory page and that's caught by the virtual memory system. That's either caused by some gross programming error or maybe memory is being overwritten with stuff. Both failure modes sure make plugins suspects. It may be OS related if the bug is in or triggered by an OS DLL that is different than what Avid has tested with/most other users are running or maybe it's just a lurking bug in Pro Tools that something is setting off. If you are technical a quick look at the stack track in the debugger might give clues--if it is's not just memory overwriting corruption. And again since stack traces may help here it is good to get this reproduced on a simple setup and over to Avid support and/or get them your stack trace/crash info (or maybe even better for immediate needs while troubleshooting with a clean setup maybe you will find out that Pro Tools just works).
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Old 09-15-2024, 04:51 PM
tonygoodall tonygoodall is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

Originally Posted by Darryl Ramm View Post
As I said I personally use Windows Defender, turned off most of the time. Windows firewall, a good third party password manager and paranoia about security and privacy (leading ad blockers and privacy plugins in web browsers etc.). High quality VPN used for external connections, etc.. And I keep stuff that does not need to be online offline/just not connected to a network. In a world of so much malware and zero day exploits personal action counts for a lot. Nothing to do with audio but I've done my time in corporate secure environments with Chromebooks, hardware security dongles, and world class security teams. Windows especially in the hands of typical users is such a liability for those large companies.

But again, do whatever works for you. If Norton works for you then great. The immediate issue here again is how do you most quickly/effectively troubleshoot the problem you are having on this computer.

This error is simply dereferencing a pointer that happens to be set to 9, in the nonsensical/illegal low memory page and that's caught by the virtual memory system. That's either caused by some gross programming error or maybe memory is being overwritten with stuff. Both failure modes sure make plugins suspects. It may be OS related if the bug is in or triggered by an OS DLL that is different than what Avid has tested with/most other users are running or maybe it's just a lurking bug in Pro Tools that something is setting off. If you are technical a quick look at the stack track in the debugger might give clues--if it is's not just memory overwriting corruption. And again since stack traces may help here it is good to get this reproduced on a simple setup and over to Avid support and/or get them your stack trace/crash info (or maybe even better for immediate needs while troubleshooting with a clean setup maybe you will find out that Pro Tools just works).

I get the same fault with all plugins moved to the not used folder, when creating a new session
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Old 09-15-2024, 05:00 PM
tonygoodall tonygoodall is offline
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Default Re: Could not create a new document because Access violation occurred, unable to read

and the latest news is, I tried disabling UAC, Norton, etc to no avail.

Then I uninstalled PT and all AVID plugins, or tried to. Got most of it out, then deleted the folders.

I then installed my PR First license, from 2021 I think.
It worked fine

Next, installed PT. First it had a go at finishing the uninstall it had abandoned.
Then installed it. It works now, with Focusrite drivers, Norton and UAC enabled.

Next step is to install the plugins again.

I assume doing the AVID ones first is the best option
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