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Old 05-23-2013, 10:14 AM
drewblue drewblue is offline
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Default latency with new setup ua apollo

im getting 64th note latency with new ua apollo and new maxed out iMac. I'm playing and tracking along with superior drummer and I'm using a dangerous d-box with a totally analog signal path setup that is supposed to be latency free. what gives
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Old 05-23-2013, 12:33 PM
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

Latency with a physical instrument or virtual instrument? If it's the former, what are you monitoring through…Pro Tools or the Apollo Console?
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Old 05-23-2013, 12:57 PM
drewblue drewblue is offline
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

both and as a analog setup of the uad console to a d-box. everything is exactly a 64th. here is how the setup is supposed to work http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yOWQ01r1y8
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Old 06-09-2013, 08:08 PM
drewblue drewblue is offline
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

One last shot can anyone help me figure out this 64th note latency. I always have to move my recordings back a 64th. im about to sell the apollo. So far this is the worst product ive ever bought. Ive learned i love the uad plugs and will keep them. but having to work with the console just ads another step im going back to a digi 003 and good converters
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Old 06-09-2013, 08:20 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

What exact plugins do you have running, in the Apollo mixer and in Pro Tools?

Have you tried to simplify this as much as possible and debug what is going on. Start with just the Apollo and absolutely no plugins in Pro Tools or in the Apollo mixer? Recording analog audio against say just a click track? What happens?
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Old 06-10-2013, 05:36 AM
musicman691 musicman691 is offline
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

Originally Posted by Darryl Ramm View Post
What exact plugins do you have running, in the Apollo mixer and in Pro Tools?

Have you tried to simplify this as much as possible and debug what is going on. Start with just the Apollo and absolutely no plugins in Pro Tools or in the Apollo mixer? Recording analog audio against say just a click track? What happens?
You've hit on one thing that a lot of Apollo users don't realize and that is if the UAD plugs you are using are inserted in a PT track the zero/low latency of the Apollo doesn't come into play. It's only if the UAD plugs are inserted in the Apollo console.

For a hookup of something similar to what the OP is trying to do watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrxHd...em-uploademail

It shows how to hookup a 2-Bus LT and a source. The OP would just have to extrapolate this to his setup.
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Old 06-10-2013, 07:35 AM
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

Originally Posted by musicman691 View Post
You've hit on one thing that a lot of Apollo users don't realize and that is if the UAD plugs you are using are inserted in a PT track the zero/low latency of the Apollo doesn't come into play. It's only if the UAD plugs are inserted in the Apollo console.
Yeah and all monitoring thru the Apollo - no need to listen to anything in PT - till mix down
HDX - PT12.5.1 - HD I/O 16x8x8
Win10-Pro (v1709)- 6 Core i7-6850k - ASUS X99 Deluxe ii
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http://www.sknoteaudio.com/ plugins rock and are affordable.
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Old 06-10-2013, 09:35 AM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

And it's not just that, you can get caught with the very high latency/up sampling plugins like the multi band compressor when run in the Apollo console. Occasionally you see folks trying to track through that plug, not a good idea. The Apollo is a great interface but UAD's DSP based plugins are unusual critters, nice plugins but with potentially very high latency, people really need to understand--wether used in Pro Tools or in the Apollo mixer/console. I am curious what the resolution is to this problem.
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Old 06-10-2013, 11:32 AM
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

I think there has to be something that is not setup corectly as we use this everyday in our pre-prod room ans works like a charm. No latency at all and when tracking vocals we use the UA PI's in Pro Tools on the recording channels and we can track with 4-5 UA's on each channel at the same time, record and listen back choosing if we wanna keep them on or just tweek and/or replace one or more plugins within PT. Nobody here uses the Apollo mixer for anything other than setting up the headphone monitoring so I don't understand why you would have any latency at all with or without Apollo Mixer or directly applying them in your PT when you track

It works so good we just got the Apollo 16 and chained them together for 24 ins/outs and they are Great! Why you would say go back to Digi 003 for "real converters" baffles me as they don't hold a candle to the
Apollo components No way nere at all.
Best Regards

South Side Music Group
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Old 06-10-2013, 03:35 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
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Default Re: latency with new setup ua apollo

Originally Posted by Southsidemusic View Post
I think there has to be something that is not setup corectly as we use this everyday in our pre-prod room ans works like a charm. No latency at all and when tracking vocals we use the UA PI's in Pro Tools on the recording channels and we can track with 4-5 UA's on each channel at the same time, record and listen back choosing if we wanna keep them on or just tweek and/or replace one or more plugins within PT. Nobody here uses the Apollo mixer for anything other than setting up the headphone monitoring so I don't understand why you would have any latency at all with or without Apollo Mixer or directly applying them in your PT when you track

It works so good we just got the Apollo 16 and chained them together for 24 ins/outs and they are Great! Why you would say go back to Digi 003 for "real converters" baffles me as they don't hold a candle to the
Apollo components No way nere at all.
No argument from me that the Apollo and Apollo 16 are not beautiful interfaces--anybody really not liking theirs contact me for a purchase offer

Why where the plugins are matters is that if they are in Pro Tools the data flows into Pro Tools, into the plugin infrastructure, over the Firewire (or Thunderbolt) back to the DSP and back over the Firewire (or Thunderbolt) to Pro Tools again, each round trip though the latency adding IO buffer. If the Plugins run in the mixer/console none of that back and forwards has to happen. And obviously if you have a small IO buffer then its less impact, but if you have a high buffer (needed more with the UAD upsampling plugins) then you can get really screwed by latency here).

The plugins used in Pro Tools or in the console/mixer can matter a huge amount, up sampling plugins, like the canonical example of the precision multiband compressor can add huge latency. Hopefully people woudl realize they are not intended for tracking through within Pro Tools or within the mixer/console, but examples still pop up here with people seem to be doing that. It is absolutely no use to talk about problems or successes with UAD plugin processing without being clear what exact plugins are being used.

As most folks here may have worked out, one of my common refrains is to suggest folks read the documentation And not to disappoint here.... the UAD documentation does a pretty good job explaining latency of their plugins.

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