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Old 04-15-1999, 06:01 PM
NYCaudioconnection NYCaudioconnection is offline
Join Date: Apr 1999
Posts: 11
Default SC unhappy with DAE-plays at wrong speed

I'm currently using SCII (version 2.03) on a MacQuadra950. It works fine generally. Whenever DAE is launched however (such as when I'm using Digital Performer), samples play back at the wrong speed. This is true when I preview the samples, as well as after they're loaded and triggered. They are approximately a major fourth lower than their actual pitch at proper speed. I've tried trashing preferences for SC as well as digisetup, etc, to no avail. The moment I quit DigiPerformer, or even go into midi-only mode (which quits DAE), SC works fine again.

Addl info: Quadra950/ sys 7.5/ DAE 2.96/
DigiPerformer 1.71/ Samplecell II 2.03

Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Sleepless in NYC
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Old 04-16-1999, 12:28 PM
Techsupt2 Techsupt2 is offline
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Default Re: SC unhappy with DAE-plays at wrong speed

It sounds to me like your using the TDM piggyback and your Pro Tools hardware is set to the incorrect sample rate while being in digital sync mode.

This has the effect of the PT hardware playing at one rate (because it's slaved) but the software thinking it's at another. The TDM piggyback on the SC card picks up this software rate and does a real-time SR conversion on the sample if needed to match the Pro Tools rate. Since this number is mis-reported the SC card is doing an incorrect rate change.

Try going to the playback engine and switching the hardware to internal sync mode and see what happens- I'll bet your SC will now sound correct but the Performer audio will be all wrong. Let me know if this happens and I'll tell you what to do about it.. you'll have to hack the sound file sample rate flag.

I'm taking a guess here- this is what the 'usual' cause is. Of course I'm having to assume your using TDM and a SC piggyback. If this is not the case let me know.

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Old 04-16-1999, 11:33 PM
NYCaudioconnection NYCaudioconnection is offline
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Default Re: SC unhappy with DAE-plays at wrong speed


Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I am not using TDM, or the SC piggyback, and my hardware was set to internal sync mode. I did find, however, while running digitest, that my SC card was in a lower numbered Nubus slot than my Protools card (which it said was a problem). I swapped cards (and reaquainted protools with its new location), but it made no difference.
Today, I tried using SC regardless, just pitching the samples up a fourth (hey, man- I had a session to do!). This basically worked, but crashed many times when trying to "change sample", or "reload sample". After completing a sample change, often some or all of the samples became corrupted, played in the wrong zones intermittently.....all kinds of crazy things. I tried reseating the SC card to no avail. Also, while previewing samples, I was occasionally getting a "not enough memory to preview that sample" message (after 30 to 60 seconds of watch-spinning). This was while trying to load 500 millisecond samples, while the card had only a couple small samples loaded. At times it would just hang up entirely while attempting to preview.

Bad ram? Ram not seated properly? Bad karma? Any ideas?

Thanks very much for your help,

Dave Winslow
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Old 04-19-1999, 11:58 AM
Techsupt2 Techsupt2 is offline
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Posts: 106
Default Re: SC unhappy with DAE-plays at wrong speed

Ouch! Sounds like you had your work cut out for you over the weekend.

Try the following:

Trash and reinstall all SC editor software. Don't forget to wipe-out the SC prefs and MIF file as well.

Run Norton Disk Doctor if you have it. Scan all drives and fix any problems found.

If your still having problems after all this is done then test the SC card with digitest and the SC editor.

Lastly, try removing and trying the card's RAM chips 2 at a time. Quite often RAM problems can be traced back to a single mis-behaving chip. Don't forget that any empty RAM slots need to be at the end of the card farthest away from the audio outputs when your doing your tests.

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