Sibelius Tech-->Sibelius 6.2 Will NOT work on the Same Lion Machine as PT 9.0.5?!?!!
I am unfortunately running Lion because I had to Warranty in my macbook pro and they sent me one shipped with Lion and While attempting to downgrade to 10.6.7 there were too many glitches so I am trapped at Lion.
The Issue. I have updated to PT 9.0.5 and was running that perfectly fine, I then went to install Sibelius 6.2 to bring my scores onto this new machine, and after I installed it I attempted to open it and it would not load past the "initializing Playback engines"
After jumping the usual hoops of trashing preferences and even re-installing Sibelius I then Attempted to Uninstall Pro Tools, AND IMMEDIATELY SIBELIUS WORKED!!!
I UNFORTUNATELY paid Sibelius tech support for an answer to why this is happening, and the answer is that "You should be aware that Pro TOols is Still in Beta Testing" This I can completely understand But the fact that During the 9.0.5 testing process nobody said "hey you wanna try one of our own products on the same machine to see it they work?" and if they did, then why didn't they tell anyone!
There are many of us running both these programs and the fact that they haven't addressed this issue yet or at least made the public aware of it really bothers me.
Anyone else having this issue or anyone at pro tools have an answer to this?!