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Old 02-10-2002, 08:04 AM
Frank S Frank S is offline
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Philadelphia, PA, USA
Posts: 675
Default Re: Digi 001 + Logic

Great stuff for prospective Logic + digi001 users Tim (no relation to Thom Yorke then eh?)

To reduce latency while recording in logic, set the buffer delay to 0.125 or 0.25 in the audio driver preferences within logic. I find (to my guitarist ears) that the latency is no worse than with the 128 sample buffer in PTLE. FWIW, I never use low latency monitoring, since using plugins is usually a part of the track building process.

As an aside, the coolest, best sounding reverb for VST is silverspike's It cost me $39, and puts reverbs costing alot more (including Renverb and Realverb) to shame. There is a sincere interest in porting this to RTAS - so PTLE users should stay tuned. The only downside is that its a major CPU hog, running it on 100 to 150 % quality with the high and low damping features uses up over 50 to 60 % CPU on my 867, and cannot be done with my Ti400. I usually end up doing a dedicated bounce of the reverb bus in its highest quality mode with everything else off, then turning down the quality (and CPU use) when doing everything else. Try it out in demo version, it sounds sublime.
Frank S
[email protected]
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