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Old 08-08-2022, 12:43 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is online now
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Default Re: "Access denied" when trying to post

Originally Posted by lesbrunn View Post
I was very enthusiastic about this, but it didn't work in this case.
... waste of time stuff about cookie settings...

Sigh. I did mention the cause and the correct work around, which is trying to modify/re-enter text and especially avoid anything that is or might be mistake for UNIX commands, and as Ben mentioned as well, things that look like web addresses (or html) may also be candidates that get filtered and cause the Access Denied error. I did warn that other folklore is incorrect and will not help and yet here we are again. Sadly even mentioning stuff that does not work, almost seems to encourage other folks to try it.

The reason stuff like this seems to work for some people some time is... they do *something* and then try again to post stuff, doing *nothing* and trying to post stuff would likely also work because something has changed. It can take the most subtle change to text to make the error not happen, sometimes just copying and pasting stuff can change the content enough. Maybe not even a change you can see on screen. But as for changing cookie settings, you might as well sacrifice a goat. Maybe there is some psychology here of when really frustrating things happen people are more prone to leap for solutions that really don't work. (People keep wanting to reinstalling Pro Tools as a first diagnostic step for Pro Tools problems... in reality a poor choice, but ah it feels good to try).


Thanks for getting examples of anything causing posting problems to Jeffro.
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