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Old 08-13-2005, 01:53 PM
Lee Blaske Lee Blaske is offline
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Minneapolis, MN U.S.A.
Posts: 3,625
Default Re: Pro Tools Shortcuts in Logic Pro ?

Perhaps someone has a suggestion, but the problem you're going to find is that Logic is quite a bit different than PT in the key commands department. Logic has a HUGE number of key command possibilities. It's extremely powerful in this regard. Efficient use of Logic's key commands can make an enormous difference in how you utilize Logic Pro. In short, people who have mastered Logic's key commands can really fly.

If you were really serious about using Logic Pro, I'd HIGHLY recommend the LogicKeyboard keyboard.
It's highly optimized, and layed out wonderfully. With two layers of key labels and color coding, you'd find yourself using a lot more key commands a lot faster. On top of that, some of the more common key commands (e.g. 3 for record) are similar to PT. Beyond what's labeled on the keyboard, the key commands are many levels deep. Personally, I'm glad that someone else spent a bunch of time figuring this out, because I'd hate to have to do it myself. Screen sets are a big part of Logic Pro, and the LogicKeyboard handles them nicely.

At any rate, sorry I couldn't help with exactly what you asked for, but considering the huge difference in the way these applications are set up, you might want to reconsider how you approach this. Running Logic with a PT key command set would be a lot like trying to fly a fighter jet with the controls from a helicopter.

BTW, I think you can download the key command file for the LogicKeyboard for free. You do need the keyboard itself, however, to really make things clear and efficient.

Lee Blaske
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