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Old 02-28-2011, 09:07 AM
garret garret is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ireland
Posts: 612
Default Delivering a -24 drama mix

We are mixing a drama series in 5.1 that requires the new itu1770 spec with dial intelligence on at -24 plus or minus 1. So in theory we can deliver a -25 and be within spec. Problem is this show needs some dynamic range for loud sequences but in order to try to get the dial anywhere near spec we need to reduce our monitoring level so our loud sections are starting to lack impact as we are beginning to compress a fair amount as we hit the -2dBfs ceiling. It's frustrating as we have the voice sample but it bears nothing in common with on set dial delivered by actors who are whispering half the time! We have managed a -26 so far and are fairly happy with that but it's gonna be a struggle to get a -25 as we have already pushed the dial fairly hard. Is anyone else feeling this struggle? As I mentioned it's really because we need to keep some dynamic range for action sequences; it would be much easier if this was a pure talky show.

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