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Old 09-17-2001, 06:02 PM
Jerry Finklestien Jerry Finklestien is offline
Join Date: Sep 2001
Posts: 82
Default Re: MAGMA price drop before AES show

That is false! The sale is called "AES Special" and that refers to the price drop of Magam expansion chasis' up until the time of the 111th AES show that will happen now on november 30th. I am sure Magma will change the date soon to have the sale go until the 30th of Nov.

I think Magma is probably happy about the AES show being set back because it means that they can unload more of their expansion boxes before they become obsolete.

Digi hardware is way overdue for an upgrade. Don't fool yourself. Digidesign is on top of the market. they know that they have to be competitive to stay in the top position which they will continue to hold.

A similar clue as to the developments of Digi hardware is the mix cubed promotion which basically puts an existing product in a new package and concept.

I think that people should buy up all of Digi's current hardware and put it to good use before they release the new stuff that will probably be buggy for the first few runs anyway.
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