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Old 07-04-2021, 05:58 AM
ejsongs ejsongs is offline
Join Date: Sep 2001
Location: los angeles
Posts: 561
Default Re: Recording through Auto Tune Pro on an Aux track

Hey Mark!

Hope all is well bro.

I’ve decided to ditch the hybrid engine and use 2021.6 in traditional mode with my single hdx card for now. I plan on picking up another card shortly. Like you I record vocals thru Auto-Tune…especially bvs. I have all 3 auto-tunes including hybrid.

The hybrid engine is way more efficient using native plugins than before. I opened a session where I had maxed out my hdx card and was using 70% of my native horse power as well. In hybrid mode 70% of my native power was still being used but none of my dsp…so it ran the entire session, which is very impressive.

The problem was that the feel and groove of the track changed in a bad way….Even though delay compensation was on. I also noticed that in hybrid mode it is not sample accurate. When recording on a track with dsp vs using an aux track and then bussing the audio to an audio track, there was a 2 sample delay with a 256 buffer at 44.1. Not horrible by any means but still there.

I still need to do some testing at higher sample rates and also see if the over all use of native plugins in non hybrid mode has improved. Ever since I left hd for hdx I have never run out of voices an I can currently mix and match dsp, native and hardware inserts at will. An extra hdx card plus adding an Mac mini to my 2010 cheese grater Mac would really give me all of the horse power I would ever need. At least until I upgrade to one of the new Mac pros….
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