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Old 03-08-2023, 04:20 PM
its2loud its2loud is offline
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Default Re: Deliver Mix Sessions to platforms Amazon / Netflix / ...

Correct. Re: SFX libraries. One either created their own and would therefore be intellectual property or one pays to license a library thereby allowing them to use the SFX from that library in a project as heard in the context of that project. It does give them the right to share or distribute the source files with other parties.

Including these files in your mix session as whole files, because it was requested by a network, would violate those terms of agreement. Unless the entity to which you’re giving them to has a license to use the same exact SFX library.

If they’re your own SFX or wholly created sound design elements then the rights to use such sounds only apply to you or any other party you give permission or license to use.
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