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Old 07-01-2021, 02:14 PM
Goombot Goombot is offline
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Burbank, CA
Posts: 434
Default Two different people opening the same AAF

Is there anyway for two different people to crack open the same AAF and still only have to swap back and forth PT session files or does PT create unique ID's for the audio files making it impossible?

My scenario is that I'm mixing shows at my home studio and I have an assistant who is setting them up. Normally I download the files, import the AAF and VID into the PT template then zip it and upload for him. At that point, once he has it, all we have to do is swap PT session files. BUT, is there any other way to do this? Can we both download the AAF and VID and have my assistant crack the AAF in the template and then send me the session file which can reference my cracked open AAF? I hope I'm being clear about that.

I guess I'm trying to see if there is a way to avoid all the uploading. And, are the AAF audio files different if they are cracked open by two different people?
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