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Old 02-18-2012, 11:56 AM
floodstage floodstage is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Indianapolis
Posts: 1
Default Re: How do I get rid of "Missing Files" message when PT loads?

Thank you for this thread! I'm new to PT and searched and searched.
All the links were on how to relink files, not how to ignore/make the relink message go away.

I'm sharing a session on dropbox w/a friend and wanted to make it as simple as possible, so I consolidated all the tracks. Then I deleted the unused audio files in Windows Explorer. Then, every time I opened the session, I got that "re-link files" script and couldn't get rid of it!

After opening up the regions list (which I hadn't seen before - I'm new to PT) selecting and deleting all the unused regions, and Boom! the message is now gone when I open the session! Thanks!
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