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Old 07-04-2021, 04:19 PM
Kreed Kreed is offline
Join Date: Jul 2021
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 3
Default Re: Fishman Triple Play Users

I realize it's been almost a year since this was posted, but I am having the same problem. I'm able to create a MIDI track and set the I/O to the predefined "MIDIN2 (Tripleplay Connect) (Emulated) or Tripleplay Connect Emulated" Input. I can also create either an Audio track or Aux Input track and assign Tripleplay Connect as an Insert Virtual Instrument, but none of it works. You can see that the transducer is reading the strings but no signal gets to the assigned Synths and no Midi recording occurs. This year that has passed since the initial post should have been plenty of time for this issue to have been addressed by Avid. That it hasn't, seems kind of disrespectful to us guitarists using Pro Tools.
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