Thread: guitar volume
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Old 03-05-2023, 11:09 PM
my-name-is-thanos my-name-is-thanos is offline
Join Date: May 2018
Location: Georgia
Posts: 94
Default Re: guitar volume

Why is everyone on this chat room so hostile?
Y'all get weird when someone doesn't give system information.
A lot of things can be solved without system information.
Didn't think I had to be so thorough but I can be corny.
Guys if you don't have something nice to say then don't say nothing at all.
There's way too much madness going on in this site.

I do want and need to be thinking about that.
I use one guitar tone.
I don't even make a guitar tone.
I pay nearly a thousand dollars for preset platforms because I'm a rockstar.
I do think there is a way to do it.
I don't know the music producer "lingo" so maybe you can give me a break and appreciate the fact that I'm trying.
Don't need to re read my question because I know what I said.
It is not a nonsensical rabbit hole because I know it can be done which is why I'm asking.

When I said songs did you think I was like Led Zeppelin where all my songs use different tunings, guitars, and tones in every song?
No. I have recordings and I want them to be consistent at the same volume throughout the album.
Because over the years when recording the volume knob on the guitar would be at different levels as well as the gain on the interface.
Is it too much to ask?
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