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Old 12-07-2011, 11:11 AM
Firechild Firechild is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Sweden
Posts: 865
Default Re: Lion + 32-bit kernel or 64-bit kernel, what works for you?

Chris, yes I know that but your OS is still operating with all 64 bit features. But regarding Pro Tools yes, it is still a 32 bit app and that is a big bottleneck but has nothing do to with kernel mode, but when using the new 64 bit disc cash feature you will "save" some RAM that is now outside Pro Tools. So when looking on the same song on 9 vs 10 with disc cash you should see that the version 10 song will use less Pro Tools RAM.
Running Logic 64 bit with 32 or 64 bit kernel doesn´t matter. Exactly the same features and performance.
I will now say this for the last time. Booting with 64 bit kernel is actually needed ONLY for them with more than 32 Gb of RAM. Has NOTHING to do if your applications utilize full 64 bit featurers or not. There is however in theory a minor speed boost when reading from RAM with 64 bit kernel but to measure that speed boost you need to do very deep artificial benchmark tests which is not like our common test tools as cinebench or geek bench. They will show identical results on both kernel modes. Over and out.
iMac Pro - HDX2 - Mojave - AVID HD I/O x7
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