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Old 04-28-2011, 08:22 AM
jbasil jbasil is offline
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Default Re: 003 PT8 impressions

Originally Posted by Dism View Post

SDII really has no place in the industry anymore. Everything uses wav now. If you were to give your session to any other studio, it would still have to be converted. Just something you will have to do to keep up with the times.

Yup. And it has more to do with SD files not playing nice with modern systems than DIgi abandoning a format. First of all, due to the way SDII files kept information in both resource forks and data forks, it's far more susceptible to corruption, especially after transmitted through different systems, where forks that can't be dealt with get stripped out. AIFF, which grew up side by side for Mac users eventually became a better choice and became the OSX standard, even for pro audio. Secondly (among other things) there are sample rate and bit limits to SD files, which would have meant SDIII or whatever replacing it. Since OSX deals with WAV files even better than Windows does, there's really no reason to not use WAVs. Hand someone a file or session, bingo, no problems.
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