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Old 12-15-2008, 08:29 PM
calacain calacain is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 29
Default Re: mbox micro + mbox 1 + software compatibility question


so first I'd recommend calling digi and asking a sales rep. If you're actually interested in buying a product, they have people who will talk you through all the in's and outs of this process.

And no, buying a micro will not upgrade your current 6.9 license. It will however come with a brand new license and installer for 7.4 (or 8.0 soon) either in the box or through download.

So strictly speaking you'll have one 6.9 license and a 7.4 license. Now legally, I'm not sure whether those licenses are supposed to stay with the device (i.e. 7.4 with micro only) or not.

But I do know that if you plug both the mbox and micro in and run a 7.4 installer, you'll be able to use either device on 7.4 on the same machine without problems.

I also know that it's definitely not cool with digi to use both devices on two machines at the same time using 7.4 if you only have one license.

I think, but I'm not sure, that if you only ever have one instance of PT open at any given time, digi doesn't care what device you're using as long as you paid for as many licenses for the number of devices you are using (so if you have one 7.4 license and you're only running one computer at a time, it doesn't matter what kind of mbox you're using).--I THINK

Sorry if this confused things... call digi!

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