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Old 08-31-2009, 09:42 AM
Chombo Chombo is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 38
Default Re: Session File Blank

Now im getting DAE Error -6006

Ok, dae error -6006 is gone after restarting computer, the session file is still 270kb, which is around the same as before it got messed up...any way to reimport all the regions as it last was?


i tried loading the session file up with my mbox micro on my mac book, same deal. everything is normal except no regions at all anywhere...


Ok, so i found that there is a session backups folder in the protools session folder, phew, that helped me quite a bit, although the latest one still isnt near where i left off... however i still have all my dialog edits which took me weeks to do.
and the file ".bak.03.ptf" is the most complete, where .bak.048.ptf is from the middle of my session which strikes me as bizarre. shouldnt the last backup save be the most recent work?

anyone know why this might have happened?
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