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Old 07-02-2020, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: Latency Problem all of the sudden

Originally Posted by robotboy View Post
Could it be my external hard drive crapping out? It does have some miles on it.

Can anyone help me? Thanks
First thing you need to do is back up everything on that drive to another drive. If its a signal that its dying, back up the data right now(no really....close your browser and back that stuff up!!!!).

Now that you backed up all your files, I would think a very sensible move would be to replace the drive ASAP(and get a high-quality and fast drive). Not sure how knowledgeable you are on this, so I'll assume the worst and tell you to get a drive that is suitable for 2 things; your computer, and speed. By "your computer", I mean what kind of connections are available on it?If its a desktop that can take more internal drives, that will likely be the route to best performance. Assuming SATA connections, I would get the largest WD Caviar Black drive that budget allows(many will scoff at this and tell you to get an SSD, but since I just had a nearly new SSD lose half of my sessions, I'll stick with spinning drives(I suspect it may be heat related, but don't have a solid method to cool the SSD, so I will use that for backups ONLY). USB3 would be my next choice(for external), but you still want speed, so SSD or 7200 rpm. Copy some sessions over to the new drive and run them to see if things are now better.

If that solves it, great! If not, sadly, you may be stuck restoring your system drive from scratch, or restoring from a drive image. I just went thru this on my rig where performance suddenly went totally sour(could not run a session with a click track and MiniGrand at the 64 buffer). After trying a bunch of things, I restored to a drive image from several months ago(when things were running great) and now its back to running great(I did need to install some recent plugin purchases again).
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