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Old 06-13-2004, 12:39 PM
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JFreak JFreak is offline
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Default Re: 002R power harness

if digi had soldered the power harness cable connectors to the boards, they would have had a lot less trouble with hardware repairs and a lot less negative publicity - however, if for some reason some units have had faulty power supply, they would have had more work in replacing the unit. that's the only reason (easy to replace) to use quick-lok plastic connectors, but as we all have seen that has been a wrong decision. let's face it, even digi makes a mistake every now and then.

i don't know about you guys, but when i do protools work, the #1 feature i NEED is reliablility. and the #2 feature i WANT is reliability. and the #3 feature i HOPE is reliablity. i just cannot afford downtime when i do live FOH mixing, but for now i cannot afford a HD system. i can't believe digi treats us LE users a second-class citizens...

seriously, digi, get a grip. we LE users are as much your customers as the HD users you seem to value more. can't you see that there's a competition going on? do you really wish that the LE customers choose another brand? the HD people don't have a choice but we LE customers have. and as much as i would like to use protools software, this kind of hardware issuse are UNACCEPTABLE and you digi are to blame because you allow no other hardware to be used with protools software (which is ok if your hardware will work perfectly).

ok, end of rant. protools is THE software. i just expected more of the digi hardware; reliability-wise.
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