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Old 09-14-2013, 03:48 PM
ianbee ianbee is offline
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Posts: 201
Default Can you see MIDI notes that are being played in PT11?

I hate to make comparisons to other DAWs... But one thing i love about FL Studio is that when I have the piano roll / midi editor open, whenever I play notes on my midi device (keyboard) I can see the notes being played in the piano roll / midi editor while I'm playing them on my actual physical midi device. So if I held down the keys C3, D3 & F3, in the piano roll in FL studio the C3, D3 & F3 keys would light up indicating that those are the notes being played / pressed. It may seem like a very minimal or unimportant feature, but it certainly helps. Pro Tools 10 unfortunately did not support this feature. Does Pro Tools 11 have this?
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