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Old 07-03-2022, 03:15 PM
Darryl Ramm Darryl Ramm is offline
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 19,657
Default Re: Assertion : utickunit.cpp", line 149.

It's unusual you've had this for a while on other versions and there are no posts from other users findable on Google. Do all the past ASSERT occurrences all name the exact same file "utuickunit.cpp"?

Don't worry about the file path or exact line number. This is the C++ source code file that a developer has put an ASSERT macro in to check something, and it's failing that ASSERT test and deliberately crashing Pro Tools with this error.

Others not reporting it with that error message doesn't mean folks are not seeing it. I just suspect here are very few user making much use of real-time MIDI effects. But maybe it's something in your environment or workflow tripping stuff up. All good reasons to start a support case.
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