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Old 01-19-2022, 02:10 AM
johan2006 johan2006 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: UK
Posts: 55
Default Re: Constant CPU Overload

A potentially faster way is to either start a new fresh session (not from a template) and import the tracks from the offending session or alternatively save the tracks as a new sessions. Pro Tools & Logic had/has this annoying thing of not flushing the session of the plugins when you delete a track. This used to be super obvious in Logic where you'd delete an aux, create a new one and it had the exact same plugins as the one you just got rid of... PT doesn't seem to do this anymore but the behaviour at least has been the same in the past.
You'll still have a bugged plugin somewhere but at least you can get on with the work this and save that orderal to a rainier day.


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