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Old 06-16-2020, 06:17 AM
Nephew312 Nephew312 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: FL
Posts: 7
Default Re: HDX or Native in this scenario

Thanks for the insight! I wish I could tell every artist that came in “learn how to sing” haha. Doubt I’d have any paying clients left tho!!! I think it’s more so a specific type of effect they are looking for. They want to bend the notes and be in key. TBH if I could avoid it completely I would!

I’ve been using a third party dsp version of Antares with their interface and it’s just time for me to cross the bridge and go full avid. I mean as long as HDX has been out you’d think avid would have developed a pitch correction dsp plug or at least delegated the task to a third party by now! It’s a useful tool regardless, and tbf we had Antares auto tune on tdm! Why not on HDX?!?!

It’s literally the only thing missing from a dedicated system for me and it’s unfortunate because a lot of these artists that are popular right now prefer to track with AT. Not all, but a lot of them.

I guess I just want to make sure I don’t have a latency downfall if I invest in a HDX rig you know?
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