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Old 01-15-2014, 03:27 PM
pasanta pasanta is offline
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Default Re: Antares Auto Tune (7.7.3)

Originally Posted by guitardom View Post
I am just trying to figure out how you even have it working enough to even be useful!!! Its so far out of time on playback for most people, its useless!
Honestly......I don't know if it's in time or out. I started to work with it, couldn't draw a line until I stopped the transport, couldn't find a way to make that work and went to Melodyne to get finished. After the message from Antares that this is now how it works, I haven't loaded it again. And most likely won't. First, after Evo, they changed it till the track button disengaged at every playback stop. THAT was a big deal to me since I could not waste time and load the graph while I did other things as the session played rather than sit and wait on it specifically to load. NOW, I have to stop the graph and transport to just edit something? Adios.......
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