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Old 07-18-2007, 02:17 PM
Noiz2 Noiz2 is offline
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Location: Detroit MI & SF CA
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Default Re: BTQT error -2015 - Search is wanky

Thanks guys,
I tried 2015 and "-2015", if you put it in quotes you can use the "-", I was still having no luck. But the search at the bottom of the page was working. I'm still not getting the hits I know are out there. THe BTQT and BTD have both had lots of problems at times and were an issue with 7.3???

The last time I tried the bounce the name was "test" so I don't think long file names are the issue. About two weeks ago I bounced this same session to QT with no problem. I thought it might be the insert edit on the video track but I have done this before with no problems and as I said I successfully bounced that section of the session with no problem so???

I finally bounced just the audio (no problem) and dragged it and the original video into FCP and duplicated the insert edit (we extended a title card by a few sec) and out put that to QT. No problems, but a pretty wanky work-around.

DIGI, PLEASE put out a list of error codes. It is VERY unprofessional to not do this. It might have been of no use being too general, but it might also have pointed out the problem. At the very least it would not be your fault that I wasted hours trying to find out what the hell the number meant - I still don't know, it's not listed anywhere.
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