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Old 03-02-2020, 10:04 AM
Jared_TL Jared_TL is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 33
Default Re: MTRX Mono SUM function for DADmom question

Originally Posted by SomeOtherGuy View Post
Now that I have the Mono button, and when engaged the perceived loudness is about 4 db louder than with stereo, by ear, so I've attenuated it by -4 db. Is there a recommended number for this?

Your question sent me off to read about Pan Law. Also, found this very interesting quote in this forum conversation...
"If there is content common to both channels and it is in relative phase in both channels, then the resulting sum would be 6dB greater than a single channel. If both channels have the same level and random correlation then the resulting overall summed mono signal level would be 3dB greater. If the content is in only one channel then the resulting mono sum would be the same as the signal level of that channel. If there is content common to both channels and the two signal are 180 degrees out of phase from one another then the resulting sum would 0. So 6dB may be more compensation than is needed for many situations but should represent compensating for the maximum potential summation."

I see suggestions that range from -1.5 to -6. Before your post, I had set mine to -6dB.
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