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Old 01-18-2011, 02:58 AM
ckahle33 ckahle33 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 3
Default Best Sample Libraries

Hey All,

First post here on the forums. I am producing a hip hop album for a very talented MC but I have limited samples. I still need to install the extra discs that come with Pro Tools... I sample single drum hits from jazz and such but would like to easily drag and drop from the region list into my songs and then snap/quantize to the grid. Is there a way I can lay these drums down with a korg beat pad and have them be audio still? I dont like to use midi for drums. I know I am asking a lot of questions here but mainly what I want answered is what sample packs exist that have large volumes of drum sounds for a good value. I also dont want the glitzy GUI's that many of these EZ drummer type plugins have, just simply folders with oodles of samples. Thanks,

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