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Old 03-15-2005, 03:20 AM
westwood westwood is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 1
Default recording DAT with timecode to LE/MBox


Can anyone help me get to grips with recording DAT tapes via MBox into a LE session? How do I preserve the timecode from the DATs once they are regions within the mix?

I'm ready to use Titan and the EDL to conform the audio to the timecode info embedded within the edit I have recieved as an OMF from FCP. The audio was not digitised before picture edit, hence bringing in the sound after picture lock - sounds like a nightmare sitation to me although Titan is supposed to do the hard job of syncing everything up..I'll get my head round that but how is the timecode information preserved and brought into the regions if they are recorded digitally via S/PDIF on the MBox?

I hope this makes sense to you... I'm getting tied up in mental knots here.
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