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Old 11-14-2021, 01:36 PM
Streabogg Streabogg is offline
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Hanover, MA, USA
Posts: 1
Default Re: Audio Bounces are longer than my song?

Hello, 20 years after this question came up, I had the same issue. The bounce created a song longer than the track I was bouncing. My track was in a multi track session and I only wanted to bounce the single track to an audio file. I was positive I had selected ONLY the track I wanted to bounce and nothing else. It was solo'd and all others were muted. One thing I noticed, that the length of the bounced file was as long as the longest track in my session (6:12), whereas, the track I wanted to bounce was only 5:21. then, after trying it with other tracks, I noticed that they all bounced to a file that was the same length of time (6:12) and had the EXACT SAME number of bytes each time, despite the tracks being different lengths with different data.

The SOLUTION for me was easy [not easy to find! but easy to fix once found]: I had "Automation Follows Edit" enabled (by accident) [ the button was lit BLUE] . Once I disabled it [lit orange] all my tracks bounced correctly to their correct length and only their specific data.
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