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Old 11-10-2003, 08:41 AM
dBHEAD dBHEAD is offline
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Kansas City, MO USA
Posts: 678
Default Re: Volume Automation

You can also change the write of automation so that it doesn't snap back to where it was. Read in the manual of the different automation writing methods. Some will overwrite, others will merge. So you can write automation and raise the faders of the group and they will raise and write in proportion.
What I outlined will not have the automation snapping back to where it was. Using the trim tool in the way I suggested will reset all automation breakpoints for whatever sections of whatever regions are outlined. In other words, lets say that between 24 tracks you've written 175 automation breakpoints. If you select all the tracks and click on ANY automation breakpoint with the trim tool and drag up or down, ALL the automation breakpoints (all 175 of them) will be raised or lowered by proportionate amounts. It is the same as literally clicking on each one independantly and dragging it up or down by a proportionate amount...except much much FASTER!!

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