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Old 05-24-2021, 02:48 AM
garret garret is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Ireland
Posts: 612
Default Re: S4 improvemt thoughts.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks. I am utilising all the benefits of both routing and basic folder tracks as you've described and it is very powerful.

My suggestion is a very simple one and perhaps on rereading my post wasn't that clear.

I would like the ability to press right spill and under track types have an additional track type of Routing folders rather than just the option of all folders.

This way I can spill my VCAs on the left of the console and my Routing folders on the right. I then have overall level control of the entire mix at two different points in the chain.

At the moment the basic folders are taking up fader real estate that they are not using. I can get to them easily should I want to by spilling the routing folders.

I want this independent of what is on the screen in Pro tools as I want all the basic folders open on the Pro tools screen.


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